
Friday, October 12, 2007

Join The Blogger's Banquet

Ed over at Tomato is trying to organise a gathering of food bloggers. Check out his post for details.

If it goes ahead, I'm going to go, so I hope to see you there.


  1. I hate to be a party pooper but I'm hoping it doesn't go ahead. I do not want to bring out that stomach pump again. It's not good for you Mr. Do.

  2. Doctor Lithgow, get ready to pump away then as I think it will go ahead.

  3. hehe... Hi Thanh I quite like the pics you posted to commemorate the inaugaral bloggers banquet.

    We might all be requiring stomach pumps at the end of the night seeing as everyone's so into their food! :)

    btw> any ideas on what you're bringing? And is anyone else from IETIA coming along too?

  4. M's, I thought it would be good to post some funny pics that were slightly food related. The real last supper was probably a bit too serious and heavy.

    I will definitely need a stomach pump as I will eat heaps.

    I'm only good at making cakes. So I was thinking of doing some delicious chocolate cashew brownies and a chocolate buttercream cake. The other contributors from IETIA are not based in Melbourne, so none of them will be able to make it, just me. I look forward to meeting you and the other food fawners though.
