
Tuesday, August 01, 2006

The CSIRO Total Wellbeing Diet

This is an old post from my other blog More Thanh Words which I have decided to group here as it is about food.

Its been 2 months and I have just finished the CSIRO Total Wellbeing Diet. So far I have lost 4kgs, going from about 68-69 kgs to 64-65 kgs and dropped one pant size. I'm very happy with this as I feel a lot better and have more energy each day despite sleeping less than before.

What the diet boils down to is eating more protein and less carbohydrates, the reasoning being that the body burns carbohydrates first before other things, so if it lacks carbohydrates, then it must burn the protein and fats. Also proteins are suppose to be more filling so you don't want to eat as much.

I found that the first week was the toughest. I did feel hungry quite a lot as I wasn't used to not eating rice. I'm Asian so I love my rice and usually must eat it everyday. Anyway, I slowly adapted to the diet and didn't start to feel hungry anymore. I was eating vegetables, which I never ate in the past. I was even starting to enjoy the vegetables (can't believe I would ever hear myself say that in my lifetime). I used to be a big time meat eater and this diet still allows you to eat meat so I didn't feel deprived of anything.

The book containing the diet doesn't really tell you much. Most of the books is recipes for foods that they allow you to eat. So if you want recipes, then get the book, otherwise if you want to save $30, I have written the daily food allowance below and its all you need to know to start the diet.


1) Lean Protein Foods - 3 units
1 unit is equal to 100g of lean meat of fish or 2 eggs.

2) Wholegrain Bread - 2 units
1 unit is equal to 35g slice bread, 1 medium potato, 1/3 cup cooked rice, 1/2 cup cooked pasta, 1/3 beans.

3) High Fibre Cereal - 1 unit
1 unit is equal to 40g cereal, 1 slice wholegrain bread.

4) Dairy - 2 units
1 unit is equal to 250ml low fat milk, 200g low fat yoghurt, 25g full fat cheese, 50g reduced fat cheese.

5) Fruit - 2 units
1 unit is equal to 150g fruit

6) Vegetables - 2.5 units.
1 unit is equal to 1 cup of cooked vegetables or salad.

7) Fats and Oils - 3 units
1 unit is equal to 1 teaspoon of any oil or margarine, 60g avocado, 20g nuts.

8) Wine - 2 glasses (300ml) a week
Or 3 standard alcoholic drinks a week or anything that matches about 800 kJ such as 40g chocolate if you don't drink.

You can divide the food in anyway you want when eating them during the day.

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