
Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Passionate About Food

I've just added links to other food blogs that I read regularly. It's amazing to see the amount of people out there who are so passionate about food. I've always thought of myself as being pretty passionate about food, but compared to a lot of these people, I am rump steak to their Wagyu steak, Cadbury's chocolate to their Valrhona chocolate.

Some other bloggers eat out so much its unbelievable so they have a lot of material to write about. I don't want to (or have the money to sustain) eating out on weekdays. If I ate out more often, I think my weight would skyrocket very quickly. Apart from being unhealthy, I think you actually get bored of too much restaurant food. The strong flavours and very oily food is just too much for your palette sometimes. I know that's the case with me. More than two days of consecutive restaurant dining and I'm ready for a nice simple home meal.

Apart from eating out a lot, many food bloggers cook a lot too. They cook lots of interesting food and post very regularly on their blogs. I like the actual cooking part of cooking, just not the preparation part since I'm fairly lazy. Hence I don't actually cook very often, but I think I might start trying to cook more things. As for writing in this blog, I'm very enthusiastic about it. Previously though, I would only do posts when I ate out, which is only about once a week. Hence the frequency of the posts was quite low. However, I have decided to change track a little and post anything and everything about food. Sometimes if I eat some interesting food or have an opinion about something, I will post about it. This blog will become more personal from me and less formal with only restaurant reviews.

Hopefully my fellow contributors on this blog will also write more posts about anything food related. I guess since this blog was my idea, I should set the example and post more food related things and hopefully everyone else will follow.


  1. You are ox tail, you are black and gold. You are fat, lazy and can't write for shit!!!

  2. An ox tail eh?

    I think Thanh looks more like one of those Telly-Tubbies on TV.

  3. Actually, I love oxtail.

    He's more like intestine or colon!!!
