
Saturday, March 10, 2007

Wheelers Hill Pub

Wheelers Hill Pub is not your traditional type pub. It's one of the modern type pubs. Why do I say that, well the pub is smoke free inside, it doesn't stink of vomit, the carpets are not sticky, the pool table is missing and the food is expensive. Wheelers Hill pub is where you come of have a comfortable meal with a beautiful view. The glass walls overlook most of outer Melbourne and is definitely a great sight.

However, the food here is ok but way overpriced in my opinion. For such high prices, you would think that a waiter would come and take your order, but no, you still go up to the counter, line up, pay and then take a ticket back to your table.

We always come here when someone from work is leaving since it is a huge venue and can fit lots of people easily. This week, our work mate and friend Mariusz was leaving for greener pastures.

Tin ordered the Beer Battered Fish and Chips (its so inhuman to hit the fish over the head with a bottle of beer, get it, beer battered fish, ok so I'm no comedian) while I had the Chicken Swirl. The fish and chips were nice, but for $20, I think is a bit overpriced. The batter was light and crispy and not too oily. The chips tasted good too, albeit from a packet type chips. My Chicken Swirl consisted of avocado, brie and chicken all mixed together and wrapped in pastry. It sat on a bed of cous cous with vegetables thrown through it. The swirl had a nice smooth creamy texture to it, but it got a bit overpowering towards the end. I'm not that fond of cous cous and found it a bit dry actually.

John had the Ravioli, and with its creamy sauce was nice he said. The serving was extremely small though for $20+. The beautiful hand model that you can see in the photos are those of John. Esther decided she was on a diet so just had butter hahaha. Only kidding, she also had the Chicken Swirl and liked it too.

Overall Rating: 11/20, The food is ok but too expensive. The ambience there is good, and the view is fantastic. There is no service as such since you need to go and get things yourself, which is a let down considering the prices you are paying. Good place for large gatherings.

Scores: 1-9: Unacceptable, don't bother. 10-11: Just OK,some shortcomings. 12: Fair. 13: Getting there. 14: Recommended. 15: Good. 16: Really good. 17: Truly excellent. 18: An outstanding experience. 19-20: Approaching perfection, Victoria's best.


  1. i'm a local in the area and i totally agree you dont get what you pay for, but when you consider the location i guess they can charge it. the food is not bad just, no great, or though the steaks are awesome! As for there being no service, it true theres no table service but the staff there are some of the most friendly helpful you'll find.
    if you haven't been i suggest you do, day or night the view is pretty beautiful

  2. Anonymous, the food is ok, but not at the prices they charge. The staff are friendly but for the price of the food, I would expect waiters to come around and take your order.

    The view is awesome, one of the best as I wrote. I have been quite a few times, hence I was able to write the post and take the photos. I would go back if a venue for a large group is required.
