
Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Melbourne Food Bloggers Meet Up

Swee of A Self-Proclaimed Foodaholic wrote on her blog that she will be coming to Melbourne for a week and wanted to meet some Melbournian food bloggers for a meal. I sent off an email saying I would love to meet her, as I have been a fan of her blog for a while.

Here are a few questions

1) Would any other Melbourne food bloggers also like to come along. The dates that the dinner can be on are the 17th Apr (Tue), 18th Apr (Wed) and 20th Apr (Fri) as that is when Swee is available.

2) What restaurant should we go to? So far we're both deciding on whether to go ultra decadent and splash out on some place expensive, or eat cheap. I think we should go to some expensive place. Here's an excuse for me to try some really fancy place that I would otherwise probably not go to.

So is anyone else interested in coming along. I would like to meet some other Melbournian food bloggers too.

Secondly, any ideas/recommendations on where to go?


  1. I'd love to come, if you'll have me. Have been a fan of both your blogs for quite a while, even though I'm only a recent foodie-blogger. Mmmm food..

  2. Hi Mel, thanks for commenting and enjoying this blog. You are definitely welcome to join us. The more the merrier. I want to meet many Melbournian foodies who love food as much as I do. I've sent you an email via your profile page address. If that doesn't work, you can send me an email via my profile email.
