
Sunday, May 13, 2007

New Royal Garden

For Friday lunch this week, we decided to go eat Yum Cha. There's a few options for Yum Cha around our work place. There's Imperial Kingdom, Ocean King or New Royal Garden. We decided on New Royal Garden as we hadn't been in a while.

New Royal Garden is located on the corner of Blackburn Road and High Street Road. It looks like any other Yum Cha place, with the usual roast duck, bbq pork and roast pork hanging out in the reception area. The walls were decorated with Chinese paintings.

We started ordering everything that came past. With six people (John, Keiran, Tin, Trung, Jessie and myself), we had the perfect number for yum cha. Since each dish mostly contain 3 pieces, we either get two serves so everyone can try one or one serve if some people don't want to try some things.

The actual dishes at New Royal Garden is ok. There is nothing here that I particular love, but also nothing that I hate. Everything is ok. The range is not extremely large. They serve the stock standard yum cha dishes. What attracts us to it, besides being close, is that its fast and fairly cheap as yum cha goes. It cost $15 for each of us and we were totally full.

Service is quite good, with request for chilli sauce quickly given three times. Desserts orders were also acknowledged and a cart was pulled over for us.

Overall Rating: 12/20, Food is ok with nothing that I particularly liked nor hated. Service is quite good. Prices are very good.

Scores: 1-9: Unacceptable, don't bother. 10-11: Just OK,some shortcomings. 12: Fair. 13: Getting there. 14: Recommended. 15: Good. 16: Really good. 17: Truly excellent. 18: An outstanding experience. 19-20: Approaching perfection, Victoria's best.

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