
Thursday, November 22, 2007

Proud Peacock

When I read that Purple Goddess, who I had just met at the Blogger's Banquet a week or so ago, worked in Springvale, I wrote a comment that we should catch up for dinner. I drive past there all the time coming home from work. She then fired me an email and an online "date" had been set up. Obviously, if you know us, you would know that this "date" was purely as food friends. PG (Purple Goddess) brought along her hubby Furry to the meal as well.

I met up at their house in Glen Waverley. They were kind enough to offer me some very nice organic white wine. We then sat and talked a bit, with PG and Furry's friends George and Jane (again, terrible with names, correct me if I'm wrong PG) also there for a while. It felt like I had known PG and Furry for a long time. Everything was so natural and conversation just flowed. I didn't feel anything weird despite meeting "a scary online friend" as PG put it.

After drinking until I started to feel the effects a bit, we were getting hungry and headed off to Glen Waverley to eat a simple "non-wanky" meal in the words of Furry. It was to be at Proud Peacock, a Vietnamese restaurant located on Kingsway in Glen Waverley. According to PG, she was going to introduce me to an attractive young single Vietnamese girl who I could have children with. Hahahaha, now how can you refuse an offer like that. Upon entering, the waitress, Jane, said hi and then turned and said "Supposedly, we're getting married and having children together". That was hilarious. PG and Furry must go to Proud Peacock often.

The meal itself was quite good. For a much better description of it than mine, go and read PG's post on it. I will attempt to recall what I can remember, since the wine had taken some effect on me. From memory, the meal was no worse than in Springvale and equally cheap. We had Bei Guon (pork rolls), Goi Guon (prawn rolls) and Spring Rolls for entrees. I really liked the Bei Guon with the peanut/sweet sauce dip.

For mains, I got the Satay Beef. It was the spicy type satay, which I like with my stir fried beef rather than the peanut type. PG got the Pho Dac Biet (Special Beef Soup) which had raw beef, cooked beef, beef balls, tendons etc. She had it's not the best Pho ever but still good. Furry got the Seafood Stir Fry. He said it was very good.

After we finished eating, we even got a free plate of desserts. There was the Galub Jamun, which I had always known as an Indian/Pakistani type dessert. However, looking up Wikipedia, it says that this dessert may be it's origin from a Vietnamese dessert. Anyway, this Galub Jamun was nice and warm still and very good. It's not as good as the ones a Pakistani work mate brought in to work one day, but still nice.

At the end of the meal, Furry even paid for my meal. Thanks heaps for that guys. It's my shout next time.

I had such a great night, meeting people who I hardly knew but now know so much better. I heard so many funny stories and laughed so hard. It was very nice of PG and Furry to invite me to their home even though they hardly knew me. It's funny how people can connect through the internet nowadays because of commone interests. I can sense a lot of other food adventures to come together. I've even been provisionally invited to a fishing trip in Dromana at their holiday home. Depending on the timing and how my work load is like, I would love to go.

To sum it all up, it was a great night where I met some really genuine people who I'm sure I will see again. The food was quite good and value for money. As for kids with the waitress, I may have to go back to Proud Peacock some more.

Proud Peacock on Urbanspoon


  1. How's the wooing going, love!!!

    Pencil in the 15th Dec for a weekend at Chez Fur.

  2. Only the chickens are responding to the wooing, no peacocks yet.

    I will pencil in the 15th for sure. Can't wait to catch a fish for once.
