
Sunday, February 03, 2008

Australia Day BBQ

Obviously, this Australia Day BBQ, or more accurately, the Australia Day Public Holiday BBQ was over a week ago. But as usual, I'm late on my posting, so here it is. A group of work mates and I had a BBQ at Grant's Picnic Ground in Mount Dandenong.

It was a perfect day for a BBQ, being warm but not overly hot. The location was also great, not many flies. However, it was extremely crowded. It seemed everyone else had the same idea to have a BBQ there. Luckily, John got there early to battle for a picnic table. Once we finally found a parking, we started to cook all the food.

I brought my Thai Chicken Wings and Hummingbird Cupcakes. There were also lamb chops, sausages, beef patties, three types of salads, vegetable skewers, fruit, mango pudding and more cupcakes.

Chef Trung who did a great job cooking the meat all day.

Not a moment was missed by our photographer Jeffrey, with his DSLR and 400mm lens. I tried my best to capture the essence of the day on my tiny Sony V1 camera.

After eating, we needed a nice drink so I shared my red wine with baby Phi while he shared some of his milk with me.

There was also double trouble with Trung and his twin posing for photos with Mark's twin boys.

Finally, there was some bird spotting. I could only manage this meagre photo of the rosellas, unlike Jeffrey, who got such close up shots of the birds.

1 comment:

  1. Mr. Do,

    Did you really take a bite of those weiners?
