
Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Korea Gardens - Part 2

Korea Gardens a good Korean restaurant that happens to also be close to where I live. Hence my friends and I go there quite often. We went there this time for a quick meal before going to watch Cloverfield. Just a note of caution, if you are going to watch Cloverfield, don't eat too much. The hand held style of the movie made me so nauseous.

This place has really good banchan. My favourite is definitely the kimchi, but I also like their potatoes and marinated cucumber.

The Beef Bulgogi here is good too. It's got a touch of sweetness but not too much.

The Spicy Pork needs to be more spicy I reckon, but otherwise it's not too bad. I usually prefer the spicy octopus instead.

We tried the Flounder which we haven't tried before. The fish tasted very good, with a spicy sharp sauce. The meat was firm and had flavour.

I kept pushing for the Raw Marinated Crab because it sounded very interesting. I used to eat Salted Crab as a kid and really liked that. This was something similar, with the crab marinated in some salt solution and then the chilli type sauce slapped over it when served I guess. The already salty crab became even more salty with the sauce. It made it all hard to eat too much. The first few bites were really good, but we couldn't eat much more of it. A tiny bit of this would be enough to go with a whole bowl of rice, or better still, congee, just like when I used to eat the salted crab with congee. Mmmmm, that would have went well together.

The Seafood Hot Pot had prawns, fish and swimmer crab. I liked the spicy broth and drank about 4 bowls of it.

The upstairs dining area with the large windows give a nice and light feeling to the place. The decor is simple and so is the service. Nothing fancy here. Just good food at good prices. Our meal came to under $25 each, and we were stuffed to the max. We didn't even finish the Hot Pot or Marinated Crab.

Overall Rating: 14/20, Food is good and cheap.

Scores: 1-9: Unacceptable, don't bother. 10-11: Just OK,some shortcomings. 12: Fair. 13: Getting there. 14: Recommended. 15: Good. 16: Really good. 17: Truly excellent. 18: An outstanding experience. 19-20: Approaching perfection, Victoria's best.

Hodori Korean Garden on Urbanspoon


  1. korean food too,esp their bulgogis.looking at your seafood pics is making me drool,esp the fish n prawns

  2. Hey Fat Do,
    Do they do Korean BBQ here?
    Why haven't you invited the Friday club, ha?
    I expect answers.

    p.s Haven't seen Barassi's Mountain View Hotel here yet. "Fabulous hamburgers!" "Are you going to blog this?" "absolutely" he says.......
    Feb 1 Aussie-India 2020 if you can't remember already.



  3. IronEaters, the bulgogi here is great. Give it a try.

    Tech, yes they do Korean BBQ and it's good. I haven't invited the Friday club since it's not open for lunch, but I can try to organise a dinner.

    I haven't blogged the burger yet as I need time. I don't have unlimited time to do things you know, what with making cakes for you all to eat.


  4. Someone else calls you Fat Do.


    this is glorious

  5. Anonymous, it is not glorious at all. I'm getting a nickname that I don't deserve.

    I don't call you boozo so why call me fat.

  6. That marinated crab was CRAP!!
    I dunno why you had to order it. I guess you are paid too much here

  7. The spicy crab was perfect i guess u think that because spicy crab is one of really koresn dishes that is hard to like! U really need to love crazy spicy korean food to like this

  8. Hi Anonymouses, I guess opinions are divided on the crab. I like crazy spicy Korean food but I think the crab was just too salty for my liking.

  9. Im for the crab: crab all the way seriously: we ordered 2 plates last time: its meant to be salty: had lots of rice with it: ) YUM
