
Sunday, March 09, 2008

Phi's First Birthday

The last couple of weeks have been so hectic. I haven't had time to post anything. Being sick as well meant that I didn't really feel like writing up things. But with some more time now, I'm going to share some of the things that I've done lately.

The first thing was attending a raging party...... of a one year old. There was a jumping castle as well as swings to play on. Some of the more solid grown ups got onto the castle and swings and lets just say, the equipment was not in the same shape as it usually is.

Hien and Trung's little boy Phi was turning one. Being Phi's "uncle" Thanh, I was there early to help a bit. There wasn't much to do when I got there. Hien and Trung had all the food under control. I just helped shift a few things outside.

There was so much food that at the end of the night, I even got to take a huge plate of food away. There was Vietnamese food like Nam, a spicy pickled prawn salad, spring rolls, bei cuong, fried rice and noodles. There was also chicken nuggets and fish nuggets. My favourite was the bei cuong, but another unexpected highlight was a totally delicious goat curry made by Trung.

The birthday boy didn't cry all night, until it was time to cut his cake and blow out the candles. He started to cry like someone who had just lost the winning lotto ticket. Despite dad's best efforts, he was still wailing away. Only when mum picked him up did he slowly stop crying.


  1. Some delicious stuff there, Thanh. Welcome back to onlineworld! :)

  2. The poor baby must have starved that day. You should never invite Fat Do to these sort of parties.

  3. Thanks Duncan, its good to have time to write again.

    Anonymous, at least I'm invited to parties. We can't take you out anywhere because of all your constant swearing and farting.

  4. Such a cute photo of the poor tired baby. Their so cute when they are little.

    Advice on the anonymous stalker.......Delete, Delete, and yet again Delete, or Comment Moderation.

  5. Squishy, it was getting quite late (for a one year old) by the time we cut the cake so he did look extremely tired.

    The anonymous stalker is a really good friend of mine. You're the fourth person or so to advise me to delete. Luckily, I know these comments are from that friend and we joke about it. We're very sarcastic and a lot of his comments make me laugh so hard during the work day.

  6. Why is that baby crying like that at his own party. I'm telling ya, kids nowadays are so ungrategul.

  7. squishy, why don't u suck an egg if you dun like my comment. it's a free country.. go back to your communist pov country is have to

  8. Poor grammer

    "Hien and Trung's little boy Phi was turning one"

    So you are saying Hien and Phi turned ONE.

    It should read "The young child, Phi, of Parents Hien and Trung turned one years of age."

    Go back to school you scumbag!
