
Saturday, April 19, 2008

Dinner Part At Paul's New House

Paul has recently moved into his newly built house. He has just started to get things in order, such as furniture. He invited Kin, Jo, Queenie and I to his house for a dinner party. The house was still pretty bare and the lounge room consisted of one bean bag. It was still an improvement from previously when there was no bean bag. At least there was a kitchen table so we didn't have to eat standing around the kitchen bench.

While Paul was making dinner, we passed the time by building Lego (yep Lego, I hadn't built any lego for like over ten years) and trying to dance. I'm currently obssessed with So You Think You Can Dance. You can read all about my reviews of every episode over at my other blog. I can still only manage 1.5 spins. Arggghhh. I did two spins once on a very smooth floor.

Dinner was eaten over some very romantic candles hehe. With the recent blackouts that we'd been having, Paul had heaps of candles and decided to use them.

For dinner, we has Baked Chicken with Cheese. The chicken was good and moist still. I liked the onions that accompanied it too. But I thought there was way too much cheese. It was too cheesy for me.

The Lamb Chops were nice too. Marinated simply with rosemary, they were pan fried and just sprinkled with some salt.

The meats were eaten with a Pesto Pasta and some Salad. Simple ingredients done simply but all tasting very good.

The meal was accompanied by some wines that Kin had picked up from Brumfields and in Paul's case, the wine he got from the Yarra Valley when we last went. We were all shocked that he still hadn't drunk those bottles yet. The rest of us had drunk our bottles ages ago.

I also brought along a Coconut, Lemon and White Chocolate Cake that I had made.

An enjoyable night was had and thanks to Paul for inviting us. Next time we go to his house, I'm sure there will be couches to sit on and a big LCD TV to watch.


  1. Wow, leggo... that's exciting!!! Vida x

  2. Yep Lego. We managed to finish the car and the base of the house by the end of the night. I went to Kin's house a few days ago and he finished the whole thing. It looks very good actually.

  3. you should see the LegoTM Dildo I built

  4. What you use your lego for is no one else business but yours. Just remember to wash the lego pieces before building the next thing.
