
Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Free Cake In The Staff Kitchen

I found this post about free food at work and how people go crazy over it. The post then goes on to say that terrorist could overtake the world by lacing free pizzas with poison.

I don't know about the terrorist part, but people do definitely go a bit silly over free food at work. The fact that we have a cookie mailing list at work proves that. And the fact that I'm on that list proves that I love food, not necessarily free food, but free is good.

The only free stuff we got going at work is coffee and cream biscuits whenever a new packet is opened. Those cream biscuits disappear faster than a beer at an alcoholic's anonymous meeting. So to get to them first is key. You then get first choice of the ones you like. Recently though, the biscuits have switched back to the normal assortment mix. And we all know the only good biscuits in that pack is the Arnotts Scotch Fingers. People have been known to hide those right at the bottom of the jar so they can retrieve them later. And by people, I really don't mean me so stop your smiling. :-)

We also get the occasional donuts left over from meetings. If we're really lucky, there's free cake left over from someone's birthday. And if we've hit the jackpot, there's free mixtures of cakes and slices and donuts left over from trays of desserts that we serve to clients.

On Fridays, there's also free snacks. For a while, the secretary deemed that we should eat healthy and we had veggie sticks and dips. The previous secretary didn't care and we got great stuff like party pies, sausage rolls, chicken wings, chicken nuggets and wedges. Now, the newest secretary has been open to suggestions. So we have a mixture of pies, chips, dim sims and veggies. Also, every fortnight, it's pizza time. And let me tell you, pizza time is popular. Don't get between engineers and pizzas. The 20+ pizzas disappear so quickly. That's when the Friday drinks is the most crowded. But 30 mminutes later when the pizza is gone, people disperse rather quickly too as there is no food left. At least with the usual snacks, there's stuff remaining and people linger around slowly picking at things until there is nothing good left. Oh, and there's beer every Friday. But the best beers (full strength) always get finished very early too. Again, people have been known to stash a few in the freezer for their consumption later. And by people, I don't mean me. Seriously, it's not me. But I should. Hehehehe.

So what free food do you have at your work place?


  1. Fat Do,

    Don't ever put the words FREE and FOOD in the same sentence.

    Your waistline can't take it nomore.

  2. But you're alway saying how you want free food. Shout me a meal, give me free kimchi. Why should only you get to use the F word?

  3. Nothing going at my work but my Bread Winner's work puts on a two course lunch every Friday and has a well stocked kitchen at all other times. Not to mention an even mix of free lollies/chocolate and a full fruit bowl. I love not having to bother making his lunch on Thursday nights.

  4. Dani, let me guess, is your bread winner a lawyer? Our patent lawyer (who works one day a week at our office) says that his firm has a fully catered lunch (4-5 courses with waiters and lots of cutlery) once a week. There are no lollies, chocolate or fruit to speak of at our work place. Biscuits are all we got.

  5. once a month, we get fruit boxes delivered. But really, two boxes for per floor is outrageous. good thing for me, no one eats healthily at my work.

  6. Hi Bunchesmcginty, surprisingly, as much as I love sugary stuff like cakes and biscuits, I also really like fruits too. Are there good fruits, or just the regular apples and oranges. If they delivered stuff like strawberries, peaches, cherries, custard apple, mangosteen etc, I would be fighting you for it. :-)

  7. nope not a lawyer! Not even close : )

  8. Well Dani, whatever job your partner has, it sounds like a good deal getting a catered lunch every week. I'd settle for just chocolates. Instead I have to buy my own and keep a stash in my desk drawers.

  9. I work in a office of food obsessives. Occasionally there are food drops of leftovers when the boss is entertaining important guests, but more often there are high-quality birthday cakes and snacks when we meet for seminars. (There are a few good cooks who additionally bring in samples of their latest creations and there's also an annual cooking competition!)

    Of course there's the eternal jar of Arnott's assorted creams too - I don't mind a Scotch finger either but it's the Kingstons that disappear the fastest here. :-)

  10. Cindy, I've read about your office of food obsessives. It's so good that others bake as well so you get to try out all these great home made stuff. How often are you seminars though? Are we talking every couple of weeks or more every few months.

    An annual cooking competition? Why haven't you blogged about it. I don't remember reading about it and I think I've been reading your blog for more than a year for sure.

    My office is full of food obsessives too. Only none of them bake and its up to me each week to think of something new and fresh to make.

    At least you get Assorted Creams. We had that for a few months, but now its back to the boring Family Assorted, not even the Classic Assorted. I really like the Kingston too, that would be one of my first choices.

  11. Ah, what a complicated hierarchy of Arnott's collections. :-D

    Our seminars run once every couple of weeks - it started with a volunteer list of people bringing food but it is frequently now down to me, as the co-ordinator, to bring the snacks.

    I blogged the culinary competition in September 2006, but was out of town for the 2007 one. I was mighty disappointed. :-(

  12. When biscuits are all we got, we have to pick out the best.

    I see you are suffering the same syndrome that I have. It's called the "I enjoy eating and baking and hence others expect me to bring baked goods" syndrome. I organise our social lunches and the cake thing, so everyone expects me to bake. Which I don't mind as I've really enjoyed making all these new things and challenging myself. They all chip in money so I'm not out of pocket.

    I will read your culinary competition soon.
