
Sunday, June 14, 2009

Horoki - Part 4

19 Liverpool St
Melbourne 3000 VIC
Phone: (03) 9663 2227

Horoki also delivers good food, as I have wrote about previously. Hence, for the first of my unofficial birthday dinners, Jo, Kin, Sey Veng and I decided to go here.

I don't have official birthday dinners anymore as I'm getting old. Here I am looking older and wiser...NOT!

Kin, Sey Veng and myself all with really shiny skin from the extremely strong flash of the camera.

The Octopus with Butter Garlic Sauce is really delicous. I love octopus, and combined with an oozy butter sauce, perfect.

This has to be the best salad in town, the Sashimi Daikon Salad keeps amazing me everytime with the combination of fresh sashimi, marinated daikon, fresh salad, some fish roe, crispy rice strips and crispy seaweed.

The Steak Tartare also is extremely good. Finished with a quail egg, it was so good we had two serves.

The Roast Duck was better this time than last as well. The sauce is still a bit too strong.

The Stewed Pork was quite good, and comforting on a cold night outside.

Cod Roe Butter Noodle is so simple but so good. I wonder what type of noodles they use because I really want to make this myself since it looks so easy.

Lastly, a new dish we hadn't tried before, Crispy Seafood Rice Cake. The waitress had a mixture of cooked seafood and vegetables and then poured it over the crispy rice cakes. The rice cakes absorbed the flavours while still maintaining some crispiness, a great dish.

Horoki also finally has desserts. They used to give you a small but delicious serving of panna cotta for free, but now they have a choice of three desserts. Obviously we get them all. Tiramisu, Panna Cotta with Berries and Creme Brulee are all very good. I go for a second serving of the rich Creme Brulee.

Overall Rating: 15/20, Great food with simple no fuss service.

Scores: 1-9: Unacceptable, don't bother. 10-11: Just OK,some shortcomings. 12: Fair. 13: Getting there. 14: Recommended. 15: Good. 16: Really good. 17: Truly excellent. 18: An outstanding experience. 19-20:Approaching perfection, Victoria's best.

Horoki Casual Dining Bar on Urbanspoon


  1. I know how you feel about birthdays - I'm about to have mine (tomorrow), and usually I try to ignore them! This year though it's a bit of a milestone, so it'll be cocktails at Cafe Vue on Friday night.

    I've read so many good things about Horoki, and these dishes look great. I'll have to try it one day.

  2. Happy belated birthday, Thanh :)

  3. Birthdays get more depressing as you get older. Go try Horoki Anna, it's really great. I've been 6 times I think and loved it every time.

    Thank you Agnes.
