
Saturday, August 01, 2009

Long Room

162 - 168 Collins Street
Melbourne CBD
Ph: (03) 9663 7226

Long Room is not a restaurant, but instead a bar that serves a few finger foods.

We dropped by after work on Friday for some drinks. Here is Kidman looking beautiful in her eye catching red coat.

Kevin and Kidman in between drinks.

Even the elusive camera shy Dennis was caught in a photo with myself staring off somewhere.

I even bumped into my friend from uni Suroor, who I hadn't seen in ages. Red must be the in colour this season.

Finally, we got the tapas platter, which consisted of various pastries and meat. It was surprisingly good and a large serving.

Long Room is a nicely fitted bar with a more refined feel, great for drinks with friends after work or a meal.

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