
Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Indulgent Fantasy: Magnum Temptation Competition

This post is sponsored by Nuffnang.

The new Magnum Temptation has just been released and it’s pure indulgence. It’s a premium ice cream with chunks of white chocolate and brownie pieces swirled through the creamy choc centre and encased in Belgian chocolate. Even the shape is funky and the box just exudes indulgence.

What would my most indulgent fantasy be? It took me all of two nanoseconds to know that my indulgent fantasy would involve a combination of travel and food around the world. So I sat down and worked out this ultimate trip, all to be completed in “one day”.

My indulgent fantasy: Eating Around the World in One Day

I would own a super fast private jet, and would use it to travel against the world timeline, flying anti clockwise around the world so I would “gain” time due to world clocks and the position of the sun.

So here is my itinerary:

Melbourne – I would start at 7am in Melbourne and have a nice small breakfast and coffee in one of Melbourne’s many laneways, maybe at Hardware Societe for example.

Darwin – I would then fly to Darwin, where I would definitely eat a witchetty grub and climb Uluru.

Tokyo – I would fly by Tokyo for a taste of glorious charshu ramen and a visit of the hustle and bustle of Ginza. I might even buy myself some high tech piece of personal equipment.

Beijing – Beijing would be next and I know I’m having some beautiful Peking duck and wandering around the amazing grounds of the Forbidden Palace to see how my ancestors lived.

Mumbai – I have always been intrigued by the famous slums of Mumbai, so after a calming Indian tea, I would look at the poverty and community of the slums and feel so lucky to live the life I have.

Moscow – The next stop at Red Square in Moscow would give an insight into one of the most closed places in the past. This would have to include a sample of caviar and some Russian vodka, just a bit of vodka.

Cairo – A world tour wouldn’t be complete without visiting the most stunning man made wonders of the Pyramids. I would love to try some camel if it was available.

Athens – From one stunning man made wonder to another, I would visit the Acropolis and marvel at the foundations of modern society, from democracy to philosophy. I would eat some freshly grilled octopus and wash it down with some ouzo with lemon.

Paris – My next stop is a must visit, which is my favourite city of Paris. I don’t even need a nanosecond to know what I’m doing here. It would be to eat Pierre Herme macarons while at the top of the Eiffel Tower, perfection.

London – From Paris it’s only a short trip to London, where I’m definitely drinking ales and then walking through the majesty of Westminster Abbey.

Rio de Janeiro
– I would fly to Rio next and go to Corcovado, to view the huge Christ statue. A bit of grilled meat would be my chosen food.

La Paz – The next city isn’t very well known, but I’d love to visit La Paz in Bolivia and see Lake Titicaca. The perfect clear lake was around since the earliest civilisations and I would sample some beef jerky while enjoying the serenity and sunset.

New York – From the serenity of La Paz, I would go to the craziness of New York. It’s night time now and I would eat a massive steak while atop the Empire State Building.

Mexico City – It is now night time and I would visit the National Museum of Anthropoloy in Mexico City and imagine all the people who had come before us.

Los Angeles – It is well and truly night time now and I would visit the Hollywood sign in Los Angeles. I would stare down on a city full of lights and imagine all the people running around filled with hopes and dreams of making it big in Tinseltown. I would have a glass of fine champagne while staring off into the night.

Honolulu – Finally, to finish off my indulgent fantasy “day”, I would sit and relax on Waikiki Beach, drink a pineapple cocktail and listen to the waves crash against the beach and slowly drift off to sleep on a hammock on the beach. And that would end my perfect “one day”.

Dear readers, if you managed to get through my indulgent fantasy, you can now start to think about your own. To make it a closer reality, Magnum are giving away a $1000 prize to one winning reader.

Competition - How To Enter

To win the $1000 cash prize, here is what you need to do.
- Play the game below and obtain your high score.
- Leave a comment with your high score, contact method (email, blog address, twitter) and answer the question:
"What will you indulge in with $1000?"
- The most creative response (as judged by Magnum) across all 23 blogs taking part in this campaign will win $1000.

Conditions of Entry
- For full Terms and Conditions, see HERE
- Australian readers only.
- Competition closes December 14th 12pm EST.
- Winners will be announced on December 17th and notified personally.


  1. Waaaa take me with you!! I want to eat all of those things... I promise I'll even be brave and try a witchetty grub! Absolutely loved your fantasy :D

  2. This is so awesome!
    It's kind of like my fantasy only yours included all the yums. And so much in oneeeee day !!!

  3. I would wait until there were cheap flights to New Zealand (~$350), hire a car for one day (~$150), go sky-diving (~$300) and finish off the day with a bungee-jump (~$190) before flying back home. The next day I would have my friends around to relive my adventure... over a box of mini magnums (~$10) of course!

  4. First class all the way to Denmark for all our guests for our wedding at Noma.

  5. my score was 9000!

    if i won $1000, i would buy $900 worth of chocolate, melt it in a hot tub.... buy $100 worth of marshmallows and chuck them into the chocolate :)

    then invite all my friends to take a dip in the chocolate spa :D:D:D
    who can say no to a chocolate dip! literally!

  6. My score was 26million!!!

    If I had $1000, I would rent a hotel room in the city overlooking the fireworks on NYE, and buy all my guests one Magnum ice cream each to welcome the New Year! How Magnum-licious would that be!

  7. Score 276,000

    Designer shoes; the ultimate indulgence to reflect my ever-changing, manifold moods; sandals to relax, flats to venture, runners to hike, extravagant heels to beguile!

  8. I would like to share my luck with some unlucky childrens who could not afford the lovely Magnum Temptation

  9. My top score is 24000.

    My indulgent Magnum fantasy would be to have a Magnum PI marathon, while drinking a magnum of premium champagne and devouring Magnum Temptation ice cream all day long. Committing all seven deadly sins in the one act of Magnum indulgence; this would be my magnum opus.
    Lust - Tom Selleck, need I say more?
    Gluttony - Mmm... Magnum Temptation... (drool...)
    Greed - Hands off my Magnum ice cream. It's mine, mine, all mine!
    Sloth - Can someone move the fridge closer to me so I can get more Magnum ice cream without having to get up from the couch?
    Wrath - Thinking about eating my Magnum eh? Put it down, and nobody gets hurt...
    Envy - Why can't I grow a mo like Tom Selleck can?
    Pride - Don't you just love my indulgent Magnum fantasy?

  10. I scored 2,870,420 but still couldn't beat the leaders :(

    I would Indulge in some 'me' shopping which rarely ever happens when you are a single mum with 5 children. Maybe I could get my hair done for the first time in years, or buy myself some nice clothes. Maybe I won't look as daggy when I drop the kids at school and they don't want anyone to see me with them. I could also get the kids something nice for Christmas so I get the joy of seeing smiles on Christmas morning and they can enjoy telling their friends what they got from Santa instead of feeling ashamed.

  11. Magnum Temptation ... are they going to make Green Tea Magnum one day ???

  12. my score was 4,600 ! sooooo bad !!!
    $1000.00 can buy me a lot magnum. by the way for asian market I think they should start making green tea Magnum !

  13. My score was 65,000! (But I didnt save it~ gambler)


    If I win $1,000... I will.... not telling.
