
Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Pan Asian - Nuffnang Bloggers Meet Up

267 Chapel Street
Prahran, VIC 3181
Ph: 9533 7022
Website: Pan Asian

As the saying goes, when it rains, it pours. That certainly can be applied to Melbourne's weather of late, during Summer of all times. But I'm referring to my visit to Pan Asian. Haven't only visited for the first time a couple of weeks earlier, I got to visit Pan Asian again for a lovely Nuffnang bloggers meet up. Vanessa from Nuffnang came to greet a variety of bloggers, ranging for community bloggers, to fashion bloggers to craft bloggers, to mum bloggers. It was definitely great to meet a variety of others all extremely passionate about their field of blogging.

To go along with lots of chatting, there was a stack of delicious appetisers to eat, courtesy of Li and Robert from Pan Asian. Li sheepishly admitted that she had used the leftover duck from the Peking Duck fest to make some beautiful Peking Duck Buns. The buns were gloriously soft and housed the yummy duck. Some Cauliflower Wontons were brilliantly crispy and I really liked it. I'm not so sure about the Asian Bruschetta though. I'm not sure which part made it Asian, with guesses leaning towards the shallots. I found the shallots too overpowering.

The Deconstructed Spring Roll was a great idea and tasted good, albeit hard to shove into your mouth without dropping some on your shirt. I guess there's a reason people make the spring rolls in nice cigar shapes for easy eating. A refreshing Gazpacho really cleansed the palate. Fish and Chips were the last item, with fresh fish matching crispy chips, lovely.

For dessert, Li served Bees Knees Chocolate Caramel Brownies. Oh. My. Goodness. Macarons may be the latest fad in Melbourne, but boy, a great brownie can match it punch for punch. This brownie was so amazing, it's like I tasted brownies for the first time again. Something about the dense texture and mix of caramel really caught me. I sneaked in three, so apologies to anyone who missed out due to me taking more than my fair share.

I had a great time and it was good to catch up with some people I already knew and meet some new people. You can read some other wrap ups at Nuffnang and Sarah Cooks. Thanks to Nuffnang and Pan Asian for holding a fun and delicious meet up.

Pan Asian on Urbanspoon


  1. the food looks quite interesting. on to my wish list it goes. hoping to visit Melbourne between 2-6 May so trying to plan a few spots to eat :-) wondering if any Melbourne food bloggers might be around to recommend some good eats for me.

  2. Oh my, I totally have to make a trip to Pan Asian soon!

    Am also very impressed with how close-knit and social the blogging community here is. I should go to one of these events, I tend to be shy and avoid going, lol.

  3. The Peking Duck Buns look interesting, never seen anything like it. Cheers for the recommendation!

  4. The Asian Bruschetta reminds me of Fairy Bread :D Oh, how I wish Canberra would host blogger meet-ups!

  5. Simon, we shall definitely be able to recommend you lots of great eating places. Pan Asian is worth putting onto your list for sure.

    Bryan, I used to be pretty shy too, but you'll find that everyone is very nice. You should definitely come out and meet us, we don't bite.

    CBFCity, the buns were super tasty, go and try it out.

    Hannah, it does look pretty, but the onion smell definitely wasn't like fairy bread. I'm sure there are other Canberra food bloggers to meet, just gotta search harder. And if you're ever in Melbourne, you know to look us up.

  6. Awesome. I'm heading down to Melbourne for a short trip next month. Looks like Pan Asian is worth a visit!

  7. Jennifer, Pan Asian is definitely worth a visit. Where else are you planning on visiting?
