
Monday, March 14, 2011

Steer Restaurant Boot Camp - Live Webcam Stream

As of next week, I'll be working at Steer Bar and Grill restaurant in South Yarra for an intensive behind the scenes boot camp to obtain more insights into how a restaurant operates. You can read all about it here.

This experience though, with the aid of technology, will hopefully be an interactive one that you the reader can also participate in. I've set up a live webcam stream of the restaurant, which will start on Tuesday morning when I start work. You'll be able to see what I'm doing, ask questions and leave feedback.

At 3pm each day, I'll be conducting a live chat and answer your questions or just talk about my day, so please log on and join me. You can find the channel at Ustream, with the title Steer Boot Camp. The direct link is below.

Steer Boot Camp Live Stream

To keep further connected, you can ask me questions and leave suggestions over at my Twitter and Facebook account. If possible, use the Facebook account as the messages will be longer lasting and I see them all in one place. Photos will be uploaded to a common Flickr account that is accesible by all.


I hope this will be information and fun for you as a reader as I'm sure it will be for me as a participant. I look forward to hearing all your questions and suggestions.


  1. did u take like annual leave for this short stint? LOL. =P

  2. Allan, yep took annual leave to "work", crazy huh?
