
Friday, May 27, 2011

Giveaway: Win 1 of 5 Preview Double Passes to "Little White Lies"

**************COMPETITION CLOSED*********************

Congratulations to the following winners. I shall be contacting you directly. Thank you to everyone for entering.

msihua, K_bom, Justin, Steve and Nic Crilly


Little White Lies
Cinema Release Date: 16 Jun 2011
Director: Guillaume Canet
Featuring: François Cluzet, Marion Cotillard, Benoît Magimel, Gilles Lellouche, Jean Dujardin, Laurent Lafitte, Valérie Bonneton, Pascale Arbillot.
Country of Origin:France

Thanks to Hopscotch Film, I've got 5 preview double passes to go and watch Little White Lies to give away to my wonderful readers.

What's the film about? Well, it stars super sexy Marion Cotillard, has people speaking in sexy French accents, has wonderful shots of Paris, is about people enjoying themselves on holiday, contains food and wine, and is FREE if you win the passes. What more can you ask for. If you really want to know what happens, you can either Google it, or enter the competition, win the passes and go watch it. The choice is yours.


Win 1 of 5 Double Preview Passes to "Little White Lies".

Passes are valid for preview screenings on June 10th, 11th and 12th. The movie opens in cinemas around the country on June 16th.

How To Enter

Tell me what your favourite film is and why. Best 5 answers win the preview double passes.

Make sure there is a way for me to contact you, either via Twitter, a blog or an email. If you don't want to publish your email in the comments, please email me at ieatblog[at]yahoo[dot]com and let me know which comment was yours.

Conditions of Entry
- Australian residents only.
- Competition closes Monday May 30th 11pm AEST.
- The winners will be selected by me and announced on Tuesday May 31st. The winners will be notified personally.


  1. Pick me .. Me me me .. Have not been to the movie so long... Hihihihi

  2. I recently saw Cell 211 at the Spanish Film Festival and it was amazing. A strong storyline and captivating performances that took the viewer on an emotional journey, it's my new favourite movie!

  3. When Harry Met Sally, so many quotable quotes! 'and baby fish mouth is sweeping the nation'

  4. Definitely the matrix! It was the first of it's kind with all the slow motion and 360 degree angled camera angles.. love it!

  5. Mine has got to be "Magnolia". So many stellar performances from some quite mainstream actors, including - surprisingly - Tom Cruise! And of course a great accompanying soundtrack. My favourite scene is when Jim first meets (unlikely) love-of-his-life-to-be Claudia. He opens the door to her grungy apartment with music blaring in the background, and you get the sense that his heart stops for a moment. Please see it if you haven't already!

    Also, I will promote your blog on my blog's facebook page. :-)

  6. My favourite film is Inception. It just totally blew my mind with the many layers of reality.

  7. Ratatouille is my favourite film as it combines France and food into a simple, digestible Disney animated classic.

    BTW... A French film is not truly a French film without Gérard Depardieu...

    Non, je ne regrette rien...

  8. pete matheos5/29/2011 6:56 PM

    My favourite french film is 22 Bullets ,starring Jean Reno as a hitman who gets shot down

    and left for dead by a gang of mafia.He gets out of hospital and one by one shoots them all

    down .It is very brave and full of action.

  9. Seems like we're going down the line of French films so I'll add mine: 'Joyeux Noel' a film I studied for VCE French in Year 12. Not only did I get to enjoy listening to the amazing French language over and over again, the true story World War I Christmas truce was truly heartwarming...

    Also, would love to visit Paris one day and this would be such a good post-exam pick me up :D

  10. My favourite film is Avatar. Avatar was the first time that made 3D technology work for the film rather than the other way around. It revolutionised how movies are made and was a breakthrough in how immersive visually a film could be. Some may debate that the storyline was terrible but I thought it was quite good, a classic good versus evil movie that other science fiction classics like Star Wars and Matrix are based on.

  11. The Pallisers (1974)

    My wife and I watch this every Sunday night during the winter months. It's the only film that I watch every year. Years go by between repeated viewings of other favorite films, but this film's plot involves so much it always keeps me contentedly entertained: light romance, dry humor to lighten the story's mood, mystery, deception, murder, suicide, some engaging courtroom drama, intrigue, bereavement, family heartaches and joys, strong friendships (nicely developed during the series), wisdom and integrity. Since the series covers twenty-five years, it's fun to watch the characters age and the changes in fashion from the beginning of the show in late summer of 1860 until its denouement in December 1885. It's obvious that a substantial amount of money was spent on the ladies' lavish and impressive costumes. The main focus of the film is the Palliser family and all their struggles and joys but there are also engaging subplots orbiting around the family's storyline.

    Oddly much as I enjoy this film (and especially the charismatic and amiable character Madame Max Goesler)...I never suggest it to friends because it's a very old film and the production values aren't up to modern standards. It's filmed in video tape and not the typical, modern film. Because of this the whole series looks exactly like a Victorian soap opera (that familiar "shiny" look soap operas have because it's cheaper to film in video tape). The video quality would turn off most young adults. So my wife and I keep it as a private guilty pleasure.
