
Sunday, May 01, 2011

Sydney Road Festival 2011

I love going to the Sydney Road Festival each year. It's not just a food festival, with the addition of the Sydney Road Music Festival coinciding with the street party. There are lots of great music to listen to for free, while enjoying the culinary delights of many nations and also seeing an eclectic mix of arts, crafts and people.

This year's street festival was bathed in the most glorious sunshine and was so much fun. I love slowly browsing through all the arts and craft stalls, asking all the vendors questions about what they do, and why they do it. Look at those ultra cool record animals. I wanted to buy some but they were quite expensive. The crocheted and wooden animals were also so cute and would make a lovely decoration for any house.

There was a variety of musical acts on all day, with 4-5 different stages set up. I was enthralled by the musical stylings of the Bagpipers and their renditions of classical songs, the national anthem, and pop culture songs. You haven't heard John Farnham's "You're the Voice" until you hear it all played out by bagpipes. Word of caution, never stand behind a bagpiper and you will cop a lot of saliva from the bagpipes. I learnt that the hard way, thinking it was droplets of water from somewhere. There was a rock act in the middle stage who was great, country music and even Japanese Blues. I was totally captivated by George Kamikawa & Noriko Tadano for 45 minutes. They played some amazing songs that were super catchy, so much so that I bought their CD.

With Sydney Road, you can't go past gawking at people. I mean, it's not everyday you see a man carrying an umbrella for shade or people with all types of piercings and tattoos or dressed in their finest reggae outfits.

Lastly, a food blogger cannot resist the temptations of all the food and will eat, and eat, and eat. There are numerous stalls all selling a variety of food. Everything is under $10 and I like to eat and walk at the same time, juggling the food, drink and camera with my two hands.

A simple sausage with onions at $2.50 is a bargain, followed by some chicken skewers, the most amazing Greek Donuts (I managed to eat 7 out of the 8 before I felt rather ill from all the sugar), and ultra flaky chocolate croissant.

Why don't you pop down to Sydney Road next year around the March time and experience all the culture, music, arts and food yourself. Just keep an eye open for the exact dates.

If you know of any other food/street/arts festivals that you would highly recommend, please let me know about them in the comments as I love going to them.


  1. Didn't know about this one, looks like a good day out though! ... sigh wait until next year.

  2. 7 donuts? Omg where's the sharing? Lol

  3. i never heard of the sydney road festival until today. looks so fun with lots and lots of foooooooood!

  4. Okay, that is just disgusting about the bagpipes and the spit - ewwww!

  5. All that sun and festivities! I am so visiting next year, wherever this may happen. And I'm definitely keeping a look out for where those bagpipes are facing. :)

  6. Michele and Berrily, the festival is on in late February or early March. I'll make sure I write about it before it happens next year.

    Allan, I went alone so no one to share the donuts, and no way am I throwing them away.

    Agnes and Jenn, totally disgusting but it's a lesson I learnt the hard way, so you don't need to.
