
Sunday, July 17, 2011

Giveaway - Cupcake Central Masterclass + Goodies Bag

Level 2, Dining Hall, Melbourne Central
Melbourne VIC 3000
Ph: 9077 4542

Cupcakes. I love them. All those wonderful base flavours, the decadent and delicious frostings, and they're so beautiful. Cupcakes are so versatile and can be eaten at a kids party or at a wedding. I love that you can decorate them in so many ways and combine any flavours you think will work.

I was fortunate enough to meet Sheryl from Cupcake Central and hear her story about how she started her job. After being made redundant from her IT job, she decided to pursue her dreams of opening a cupcake shop, starting firstly by selling at farmer's markets, to finally opening her shop. I looked at her blog and could clearly seen the progression in her skills, from quite wonky misshapen cupcakes at the start to the beauties that you now see.

To celebrate Cupcake Central opening their second store at Melbourne Central, I am happy to announce a giveaway to their cupcake masterclass where you can learn to make beautiful cupcakes of your own. You can learn to make flavours available from Cupcake Central like Vanilla, Chocolate, Lemon, Jam Donut, Red Velvet, Oreo, Black Velvet, Raspberry and White Chocolate and the list goes on. All the flavours are great but my absolute favourite is red velvet, the best I've tasted in Melbourne. It definitely due to the fact that quality ingredients are used and cupcakes are made that day and sold that day only. That's the Cupcake Central guarantee to you.


Competition Closed

Thank you for your great entries. Lots of mouth watering signature cupcakes and it was a tough decision. I was swayed towards peanut and jelly cupcakes but in the end, one cupcake intrigued me the most and I definitely want to try it should it ever be made.

So the winner is.....Cindy, with the Kulfi Cupcake. It sounds so interesting and I do have a soft spot for green mangoes so am excited to try the dried version on a cupcake.

Congratulations Cindy and thank you all for entering the competition. If you missed out on the prize, you can still attend the Cupcake Central classes as they will run regular ones from month to month. Check out their website for details.

One cupcake masterclass at the Cupcake Central Melbourne Central store.

When: Tuesday 19th July from 6:30pm
Where: Cupcake Central Melbourne Central store
What: You will learn to make cupcakes, get to eat them and feast on food and champagne in between.

You will also take home a goodies bag which will contain the following:
- Cupcake mix that includes cupcake papers, sprinkles etc.
- Box of 10 babycakes in assorted flavours
- An apron
- Box of 6 of your decorated cupcakes
- Cupcake storage box
- Vouchers

The group on the night will be divided into teams, with the team producing the best cupcakes receiving some extra special prizes.

How To Enter

Leave a comment answering the question:

Invent your signature cupcake. Give it a name and describe the flavours and look in as much detail as possible.

Make sure there is a way for me to contact you, either via Twitter, a blog or an email. If you don't want to publish your email in the comments, please email me at ieatblog[at]yahoo[dot]com and let me know which comment was yours.

Conditions of Entry
- Australian readers only. If you do not live in Melbourne, you may transfer your prize to another person who can attend the class in Melbourne on the specified date.
- Competition closes Sunday July 17th 8pm AEST.
- The winner will be selected by myself and announced on the same night at 9pm. The winner will be contacted by email.


  1. Oh Amazing! That would be both my response to this post and the name of my cupcake!

    What are the ingredients for an amazing cupcake? How about strawberry and vanilla based cupcake that is deliciously light and moist (made with oil rather than butter perhaps) and which is not overly sweet. The strawberries should be fresh, and a little strawberry jam should replace some of the sugar.

    The top should have a small amount of whipped cream with small slices of fresh strawberries arranged on top!

  2. I've been to all sorts of cupcake stores around Melbourne, but I haven't seen this:

    A chocolate chai cupcake with a mild chilli spiced chocolate curl (to look like a cinnamon stick) embedded on the vanilla, honey & chai cream icing.. :)

    Om nom nom!

  3. I love everything about this giveaway. Nice to include a creative element actually, rather than just signing up.

    How about a dark cocoa and espresso cupcake, topped with an Arab 7 spiced chocolate ganache? The cinnamon, cardamom and cloves of the ganache would add a surprise element to an otherwise normal-looking chocolate cake. The espresso base combined with the aromatic ganache would be like a sweet Turkish coffee (mocha) in cupcake form :)

  4. great giveaway!
    I'd call my cupcake 'Fudge Nutter', and it would be like a dense fudgy chocolate-y cupcake, with rich salty peanut butter icing. Yum, best combo ever! Also, a delicious smidgen of peanut brittle on top of the icing wouldn't go astry...
    beth dot corbould at gmail dot com

  5. I reckon it's about time we had a Kulfi cupcake!

    I'm thinking moist cupcake made with ground almonds and a little cardamom, topped with a cream cheese-based icing with some tangy amchoor, then a garnishing sprinkle of pistachios.

  6. My cupcake would be called: "Citrus Bliss". It would have a butter cake based based spiked with hints of vanilla. There will be grapefruit zest and juice puncturing the rich, buttery taste. It will also have dulce de leche coated chopped dates dotted throughout and would be finished off with a pear puree swirled through the cupcake. Pears in cakes keep them incredibly moist, and I have recently discovered that dates, grapefruit and pears go well together (with grapefruit and pears having a sutble unique taste and dates dominating the taste taking it to another dimension). With the mild sweetness of the pears and acidic grapefruit, the dulce de leech will give the sugary hit to this cupcake without it being overly sweet. The cake being rich enough on it's own, probably should have cream cheese frosting or other icing, which'll tip the cupcake into becoming too sugary. I think this would be a well balanced cupcake (:

  7. 'Coconut Indulgence!' - Vanilla butter cake (with extra coconut) brush with coconut rum syrup and decorate with desiccated coconut..

  8. Oh yay.. I can't wait for Tuesday :P

  9. My cupcake is called "Tama-what?" inspired by the exotic Tamarillo fruit (much like an infusion of papaya and passionfruit).
    It starts off with a fluffy vanilla base with the core cut out. In this core, will be filled with a pre-made jelly consisting of the seeds and juices of the tamarillo fruit combined with gelatine. It will be topped with a coral coloured tamarillo flavoured cream cheese frosting. The unusual and sour kick complimented by the softer flavours of the vanilla cupcake should tantalise any tastebud.

  10. My signature cupcake: Baklava! A honey flavoured cake, that has layers of pistachio and walnut throughout. The top of the cake is brushed with a honey and lemon syrup to give it the stickiness of baklava. It is frosted with a swiss meringue honey buttercream, and sprinkled with more pistachio and walnuts. A mixture of the crunch of the nuts, and sweetness of the honey. OK now I may need to actually make this cupcake!! @imasugarjunkie

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Commented deleted due to picture linking error. Repost.

    After hours of debating, planning (on notepad) and experimenting (on paint) I finally created poetically and artistically, my signature cupcake. As a picture is worth a thousand words I also drew a picture and annotated it.

    It's called 'Felicity's Fortune.'


    Sitting on a generous swirl of cream cheese frosting is a fortune cookie, surrounded by rainbow sprinkles. Like a book cover, it invites to seek what is beyond. But does not give away easily what lies beneath the surface.
    Underneath lies a light moist coffee sponge with 3 thin discs (chocolate coin width) of smooth chocolate in white, milk and dark ,with miniature mint kit kat bites scattered throughout this refreshingly indulgent sugar hit - perfect for anyone who needs to 'take a break'.

    What's in a name?
    My signature cupcake is called "Felicity's Fortune", named after my twin sister (who prefers her name to start in lowercase in writing). Her name means "happiness", derived from a Latin word meaning "luck, good fortune". I have created this cupcake with her in mind, it's something she would love. She's in her final year of high school, the one year that determines the rest of your life.

    The Ingredients
    A fortune cookie for luck and predictions.
    Chocolate because it creates the same feeling as being in love.
    Rainbow Sprinkles, looking forwards to the rainbow after the rain.
    Coffee for long late night study sessions and early mornings.
    Mint for a refreshing touch.
    And Kitkats because sometimes we need to "have a break".

    I also have this on my blog, if you want to see it with formatting.

  13. Hi! Love the competition and am so keen to try Cupcake Central's Jam Donut flavour.

    My signature cupcake would be called The Elvis Presley Blues.

    A moist honey and banana butter cake base (lots of banana!) With a generous swirl of super crunchy peanut butter flavoured frosting. Topped with crunchy deepfried bacon chips.

    Alternativly it could be called The King and have a "crown" of bacon. LOL


  14. I too love cupcakes. I spend hours looking at them online and coming up with possible combinations. I DREAM about them and their endless possible flavors. I drive my partner CRAZY with my talk of cupcakes!!

    I've tasted many, some good and some not so good. Many of the not so good were OTT with icing, glitter or sugar flowers, giving the illusion of greatness yet overpowering the taste of the cake itself. And, there's nothing worse than a cupcake anti-climax!!

    The really great cupcakes that had me begging for more or that still continue to come to mind are the ones that were baked fresh, like Cupcake Central's. This is integral. It's got to be moist and rich in flavour, no matter how simple the cupcake. This can only come from using the freshest ingredients and going the extra mile to find the essential items to ensure it remains true to it's origin. A great example is the Madagascar bourbon vanilla that Cupcake Central use, you don't know REAL vanilla flavour until you've tried it. Real ingredients make even the simplest cupcakes pop. There's absolutely no denying that if it's simple and done right, you'll always have them coming back for more.

    A fun element, or a play on a trusty favorite flavour can intrigue and entice also. One that floods my mind with childhood memories for me is a sandwich that was always so good and still is to this day. It's a simple, fun and memory filled flavour that was always washed down with a cold glass of creamy fresh milk.

    It consists of smooth, creamy whipped peanut butter along with a slathering of rich and tangy red raspberry jam. The salty sweet flavours are perfectly sandwiched between pillow soft sweet and fresh white bread. It’s this marriage of flavours and textures that brought me endless happy after school moments and late night snacks as I grew up still loving it.

    So with much anticipation I would love to see this simple favorite fill the racks of Cupcake Central.

    The PB&J
    Take a perfectly moist vanilla cupcake and pile high with a generous swirl of ‘smooth’ peanut butter frosting, and a sweetly en-twirled raspberry jam ribbon.
    Top with a generous chunk of the renowned 'Butterfinger' bar and you have a PB&J all the way. Whether you like it chunky or smooth, never has this salty-sweet combo been so irresistible!!

    So c'mon cupcakers, let's hatch that dream and see the PB&J ALL THE WAY!!!

    Oh and remember...cupcakes are always sweeter shared with someone you love.

    Sweetest cupcake dreams x
    Twitter: FlisB

  15. Seeing as you look like an commercial and enterprising chap, how much would it cost to just buy this giveaway off you?

  16. Has Cupcake Central paid for this handsome post?


    Thank you all for entering the competition, many great entries.

    After much deliberation, the winner is Cindy with the Kulfi Cupcake.

    You can all go enjoy Cupcake Central cupcakes and try out their classes yourself if you have some time.

  18. wow...yummy cupcakes ...sounds divine..
    first time your space..
    very interesting posts with excellent presentation..
    Am your happy follower now..:)
    do stop by mine sometime..
