
Monday, November 06, 2006

Bbq at Wei's House

At the weekend, a group of us from work met up at Wei's house for a Bbq as well as working on our costumes for our work dinner dance. Each person brought a bit of food and shared it. I brought the baked berry cheesecake that I had made the night before.

The other food that people brought were

Hien's Prawn Crackers and Spring Rolls
Prawn Crackers

Spring Rolls

Khemara's sushi that he personally made. He and I surprised everyone in that two young guys could actually cook something.

Esther's Potato Salad, restaurant quality with a nice creamy sauce and crunchy bacon bits.
Potato Salad

Sausages and beef that Trung and Hien bought on behalf of everyone.
Sausages and Beef

Wei cooking her "hand made dumplings", which everyone said was delicious. Only later did she tell us they are "hand made" but just not by her hands hahaha.

Jessie and Alan brought drinks, but the drinks aren't that exciting to look at so I didn't take a photo of it.

We sat around and ate for quite a while. From left to right we have Khemara, Esther, Wei, Hien and Hien's daughter Jemila.
Group 1

From left to right we have Trung, Alan and Jessie.
Group 2

Finally we have myself, Wei and Esther.
Group 3

I missed out of a photo of Wei's husband Fei so she will have to forgive me. Once all the eating was done, which took a good 3 hours, we finally got down to working on our costumes for this year's dinner dance. Last year, our dragon costumes was a hit, winning a $400 prize. We also had heaps of fun making it and everyone got involved.

Dinner dance 2005

This year, we have decided to do Zorro with his horse and some bad guys. Here we are below painting and making the horse.

Hien squeezed her pregnant belly into the Zorro costume to give us a taste of how it will look.

We finished all the costumes just before dinner time and are set for the dinner dance in a couple of weeks time. I shall blog on that when it arrives and show you all how our costumes look.

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