
Monday, April 14, 2008

Coconut, Lemon and White Chocolate Cake

I've made plenty of dark chocolate cakes, but had never made a white chocolate cake before. I have made a white chocolate blondie before but not a cake.

This coconut, lemon and white chocolate cake sounded really interesting. I like the idea of the coconut mixed with the white chocolate. I love Rafaello chocolates and imagined that would be what it would taste like. As it turns out, the coconut and white chocolate ganache tastes like a Rafaello and is absolutely delicious. I'm going to use that ganache for a lot of other things. The cake itself is nice too. It is a very dense cake, with the lemon flavour shining through more than the white chocolate. It tastes more like a lemon cake rather than a white chocolate cake, which wasn't what I expected from the large amount of white chocolate that goes into the cake.

White Chocolate Mud Cake

250 grams butter, diced
1 lemon, rind finely grated
180 grams white chocolate, finely chopped
330 grams caster sugar
180mls milk
225 grams plain flour
75 grams self-raising flour
2 eggs, lightly beaten

Coconut White Chocolate Ganache
140mls coconut cream
360 grams white chocolate, finely chopped

flaked coconut, for decoration

Preheat the oven to 170°C.
Line and grease a 22cm cake pan - a spring-form or loose-bottomed type pan is best.

Place the butter, lemon zest, white chocolate, sugar and milk into a medium saucepan that is over a low heat - stir until the chocolate has melted and the mixture is smooth. Set this aside to cool for about 15 minutes.

Sift the flours together and place into a bowl - stir in the cooled chocolate mixture followed by the lightly beaten eggs, mixing until combined and smooth.

Pour this into the prepared pan and back for about 1 hour 40 minutes or until cooked through. If the cake looks to be browning too quickly then cover with foil.

Let the cake cool in the pan.

Place the coconut cream into a small saucepan and bring to just below boiling point - remove from the heat and add the chocolate, stirring well to help dissolve the chocolate. You may find you'll need to put this back on the stove, use a low heat and remove as soon as the mixture is smooth.

Pour this out into a bowl and place in the fridge - keep stirring occasionally as it cools and remove as soon as it reaches a spreadable consistency.

Assemble Cake
Remove the cake from the pan and place on your serving dish.
Spread the ganache evenly over the cake before applying a generous coating of flaked coconut.


  1. That looks really yummy, I love white chocolate!!

    Yeah, I've found that when you bake with white chocolate, you can't really taste it in the finished product - usually it just tastes buttery and sweet.

    But you say the ganache tastes like a raffaelo, eh? YUM YUM!!

    xox Sarah

  2. It's strange isn't it Sarah. When I made the white chocolate blondie, the same thing also happened. I really couldn't taste the white chocolate. Instead it was like a really rich buttery cake.

    It does taste like rafaelo. I love it. I keep licking the ganache by the spoonful (ok that technically isn't called licking anymore) while I was cleaning up the bowls.
