
Thursday, April 03, 2008


Yar, no it's not how a Swedish person says yes. It's a Japanese and Korean restaurant along Southbank near Crown Casino. We headed off to eat there before going to see Eason Chan in concert. Hence we needed a quick meal so we could get to the concert in time.

Supermodels Candy, Jasleen and Kevin pose for the camera.

Here I am with my newly shaved head for charity.

Anytime I see a restaurant that lists two types of cuisine, such as Chinese/Vietnamese or Malaysian/Indian or Thai/Chinese, I'm already have bad feelings. These places are rarely any good. So when I saw this place listed as Japanese/Korean, I was feeling worried already.

I needn't have worried. The food here is actually quite good. The waitress actually sounded Korean so maybe the chef may be Korean who just happens to do some Japanese dishes as well.

We ordered a Beef Bulgogi and Beef Teriyaki. The Bulgogi was alright but the Teriyaki was surprisingly good. In fact, it's one of the best teriyakis that I've tried. It wasn't overly sweet and had a nice chargrilled flavour to the meat.

The sushi and sashimi platter was also fresher than I expected. Everything was nice, and not expensive either. I guess the restaurant wouldn't survive in the southbank area if it was really bad.

The Pork Leg with dipping sauce was nice too. But the plate was humungous. I only managed to finish half of it. In fact, all the dishes are huge here. I suggest ordering a bit less here to start and ordering more when needed.

Service was ok. It was fairly empty at that early time of the night. Hence, there were a lot of waitresses standing around ready to serve us. But when you didn't need them, they tended to be standing around. But just when you need a waiter, no one can be seen in any direction.

Overall Rating: 14/20, Food was surprisingly good and not expensive.

Scores: 1-9: Unacceptable, don't bother. 10-11: Just OK,some shortcomings. 12: Fair. 13: Getting there. 14: Recommended. 15: Good. 16: Really good. 17: Truly excellent. 18: An outstanding experience. 19-20: Approaching perfection, Victoria's best.

YAR Japanese & Korean Restaurant & Bar on Urbanspoon


  1. arrgkkk

    must you show such a photo of your butt head

  2. Judging by the first photo with Kevin's facial expression, he is thinking what everyone else thinks when they go out with you..


  3. Local Pervert, at least I use my camera to shoot nice photos of people with their knowledge hehehe. Your close up shots are just wrong.

  4. In response to Local Pervert, I thought the Thanh's camera was part of his body. I have witnessed him taking photographs of soya sauce in those little bowls.

  5. So funny fake Kevin. At least I don't take cameras of lower regions like you do.

  6. Actually Fat Do, I know you won't believe me, but that last comment wasn't mine. Who better to check with than the man himself.

  7. Anonymous, you're right, I don't believe you. Because I know Kevin comments under another nickname as he has his own blogger account.

  8. Go ask him yourself spastic. Believe me, don't believe me, I don't giving a flying toss.

  9. "So funny fake Kevin. At least I don't take cameras of lower regions like you do."

    take cameras of lower regions?

    What are you? A FOB.

    Learn English fast.

    I notice a lot of your blogs have terrible grammer.
