
Sunday, March 15, 2009

Melbourne Bloggers Eat and Greet Round Up

Duncan, Sarah and myself had organised a food bloggers meet up and The Commoner joined the party by generously allowing us to use their courtyard. Many thanks to Jo and the team at The commoner for being so generous.

A good number of people turned up to indulge in the food and make some more food friends. Who said blogging was anti-social and isolating. Instead it helps bring people with common interest together.

So those in attendance that day are listed below. Google is your friend if you want to find all the blogs. Or Claire, Sarah and Jess have already written very detailed posts with links to everyone.

Thanh - I Eat Therefore I Am
Duncan - Syrup and Tang
Sarah - Sarah Cooks
Jackie - Eating With Jack
Ed - Tomato
Claire - Melbourne Gastronome
Jess - Fatty McBeanpole
Fiona - Words and Flavours
Agnes and Alastair - Off The Spork
Brian - Fitzroyalty
Asti - Ice Tea: Sugar High
Cathy - Everything Goe With Cream
Christy - 5 Types of Sugar
Joel - Global Cobbler
Michael - My Aching Head

There was so much food that day and you can see them at Claire, Sarah and Jess' blogs. I'll just post a few pics of the foods that really captured me. Everything was delicious, but these were my personal favourites that had me going back for more, and more, and more.

Duncan's macarons were again, abso-freaking-lutely-mazing. The "Subtle Cinnamon and Peach", "Chocolate and Passionfruit (Perhaps)" and "Vaguely Violet" were all insanely good. I loved the violet macarons the best ever since I tried them at the last bloggers banquet and again at the Macaron Masterclass. However, the Cinnamon and Peach ran a very close second as I love peaches. I may have consumed more than my fair share of macarons (3 violet, 2 peach and 1 passionfruit) but all's fair in macaron and war.

My other favourite item of the day were the delicious Soy Chicken Wings from Agnes. I just love chicken wings and these ones from Agnes were deliciously moist and flavoursome. I consumed three of these alone.

My final favourite thing was the wonderfully textural Red Capsicum Dip from Fiona (red tub in the far right back of the photo). The dip worked amazingly well with bread from Brian and Crackers from Asti. I'm definitely going to make that capsicum dip.

Now, the food usually makes many appearances on blogs whenever we have these meet ups. But this time, I thought I would try and capture the spirit of the individuals behind the keyboard who write the blogs. Here goes, with apologies to Cathy, Jess and Christy as I didn't get any photos of them.

Charlie's Angels at the wood oven, Fiona, Sandra and Sarah.

Ed and Sarah giving contrasting expressions for their audition for "Australia's Favourite Food Blogger" award.

Mickey and Asti and half of Christy showing us how good the drinks were at The Commoner.

Michael and Joel showing us that black is indeed the new black.

Myself and Sandra dueling it out with our cameras for best "Self Taken Photo".

Jackie showing us the smile that got her through her MasterChef auditions.

The life of Brian.

The "choice" team of Alastair and Agnes eatin' "fush and Chups", with Duncan providing background scenery.

Finally, Joel, Claire, Ed, Jess' back, Sarah, Duncan's arm and Alastair make an appearance.

I think everyone had a great time and it was lots of fun to chat about all aspects of food and get to know the faces behind the blogs. I hope we can organise another meet up soon.


  1. Oh, all those tags of dags, we are. Me thinks you only made us wear it so you could identify us in the photos, hey?

    Nice meeting you, and good blondies.

  2. Jess, you've uncovered my evil plot to make everyone look silly wearing name tags.

    It was nice to meet you too, I'm sure we'll meet again.
