
Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Giveaway - 24 Blocks of Green and Black's Dark Chocolate


No matter how I look at it, 24 blocks of Green and Black's 70% cocoa solids dark chocolate is a lot of enjoyment waiting to happen. Green and Black's is a fairly new brand, concentrating on producing high quality organic chocolates. From their website, it states

At Green & Black’s, we make and sell premium organic chocolate. We use fine organic ingredients and these are ethically sourced. This perfect balance between taste and principles is what we stand for and why we pay a premium for all our organic ingredients."

As part of the Taste of Melbourne festival where Green and Black's have a stand, Kim McMillan and Sarah Kucera from BangPR sent me some chocolates to give to you.

The Prize
All 24 blocks of Green and Black's Dark Chocolate all for your greedy self. Just look at the all the glorious chocolate you get below.

To Enter The Competition
1. Leave a comment on this post answering

"What would you do with the 24 blocks of Green and Black's dark chocolates?"

2. Make sure I can contact you through your blog site, Twitter account or send me an email with your comment to ieatblog[at]yahoo[dot]com.

3. Competition closes on Sunday 29th August 8PM AEST. The best answer will be picked by myself and declared the winner. I shall contact the winner to get postage details.

EDIT: 4. Forgot to write that entries are open to Australia residents only. I don't want customs to come after me for sending food overseas.

Sample Answer
I'd melt all 24 blocks of chocolate Heston style and make my own Willy Wonka chocolate waterfall.

Disclaimer: Congratulations. If you are able to read this, you are way too observant, a computer geek and in with a better chance of winning. In true Willy Wonka style, I've embedded some fine print into this competition. If you use the word "organic" in your answer, you will be given preference should two answers be equally impressive. As for the legal jargon, I hereby do not take any responsibility for individuals who wilfully burn their tongues from licking the molten velvety chocolate waterfall streams should they choose to use their chocolate in that manner. Now start thinking of fun ways to use the chocolates.

AND THE WINNER IS: Thank you all so much for entering the competition. I actually made a mistake and wrote the competition closes on Sunday 29th September when I meant August, so I've let the last two answers be entered.

Secondly for those who noticed the small font at the bottom, in true Wonka style, this is what it wrote.

Disclaimer: Congratulations. If you are able to read this, you are way too observant, a computer geek and in with a better chance of winning. In true Willy Wonka style, I've embedded some fine print into this competition. If you use the word "organic" in your answer, you will be given preference should two answers be equally impressive. As for the legal jargon, I hereby do not take any responsibility for individuals who wilfully burn their tongues from licking the molten velvety chocolate waterfall streams should they choose to use their chocolate in that manner. Now start thinking of fun ways to use the chocolates.

Some of you noticed and put the word organic into your responses, good stuff.

Well, so to the winner. There were some great responses, from the naughty, to the nice, to the innovative, to the funny and finally the evil.

Some Honourable Mentions
Deevaa: for saying she would eat them, simplicity at its best,
Tom: for pimping his chocolates to make one massive organic chocolate,
Agent0: for making chocolate part of his election policies,
Tony: for moving his wedding forward to use the chocolates, that's love,
Emma: for spreading layers of thick peanut butter between two blocks, now you gotta respect such indulgence.

But it came down to two answers for me. *Drumroll duh duh duh dum*

Runner Up is: Hannah, for her devilish plan to test out her housemate by secretly putting the chocolates under her bed and pretending they weren't hers.

And the winner is: Wynne, for the utter simplicity and fun of creating a chocolate domino effect. Now that is truly in the Wonka fun spirit. Congratulations Wynne. I'll send you an email.

Thank you all for entering. I hope to have more giveaways in the future. Please continue to enjoy reading this blog.


  1. You know, it's no fair. you took the best answer for the sample answer!

    There's a variety of things I'd do with the chocolate. I'd melt them down to make ganache as part of my opera cake, I'd make them into cupcakes, into fondues.. the possibilities are endless esp with 24 blocks of them!

    Hm. that waterfall idea is getting more and more tempting by the minute.

    Ive always wanted to submit something to
    would totally melt 24 smaller bars to make 1 giant, organic one!

  3. With so much quality organic chocolate, I could well eat it as it is with my $150 bottle of shiraz, make an organic flourless chocolate cake (recipe courtesy of Neil Perry, most awesome cake ever), super fluffy and indulgent souffle, make a river of flowing chocolate and creating chocolate dirt~ (re: Heston Blumental, will need to steal some dry ice first though, *cough cough* i mean borrow), and maybe melt it over my big marble bench island just for fun. Not sure if that 24 blocks will get through that whole list actually.... hmmm. Maybe need to buy some myself to make that happen HAHA.


    I would eat 12 block all on its own actually.. and melt the other 12 blocks to create a spectacular Chocolate Nemesis (River Cafe recipe)!!

    And with the original 12 blocks I actually said I'd eat? I'd melt them down and paint the Boy's... *ahem*....

  5. If my husband got hold of them, he would do his trick of grating them with a microplane over creamy vanilla icecream - the tiny little flakes of choc piling up like snow and melting in the mouth ... for me, though, I'd use some for an amazing batch of chocolate fondants, and maybe the morning after for breakfast I'd roughly chop some and stir through pancake batter for amazing melty chocolate chip pancakes. :-)

  6. I love chocolates....
    I will melt half of the chocolates and make big heart shape chocolate for my love. I will grate half of the chocolates and decorate with it.

  7. I too, would love to recreate a Heston's dish but my culinary skills fail me all the time.

    Well I'd make little bite snacks, namely truffles following this recipe ! They look MIGHTY yum!

    I'd probably use a few blocks to make chocolate mousse lamingtons with a dash of raspberry on each slice hehe!

  8. I can have a chocolate bath and aint going to tell you what I do after!!

  9. Hi Thanh,

    I would bake you a giant organic chocolate cake, covered in ganache made with Green and Black's Organic 70% dark chocolate and organic thick cream.

    There, I should win.


    xox Sarah

  10. I'd put one block under my mattress every Sunday night and pretend to be the princess from The Princess and the Pea (who was so delicately "royal" that she couldn't sleep for the feel of the tiny bump underneath her), and every single morning after I'd come out with a perplexed face and ask my housemate if she put the chocolate there. I'd refuse to admit it was me, and create an entire backstory about the Tooth Fairy being replaced by the Chocolate Fairy. 24 bars every week - that'd last 6 months, which would take me almost to the end of our lease.

    This way, chocolate would help me find out if my housemate and I can survive another year living together. If she can cope with that ploy of mine, I'll know she's worthy of my company :D

    (Oh, and I'll definitely blog about the chocolate, seeing as I have a chocolate review blog and am OBSESSED with the heavenly stuff.)

  11. I would create a National Holiday in honour of chocolate (kinda like Easter :D ) where people get a day off to create chocolate masterpieces and we can all gather around our chocolate fondue sets in the back yard.
    My wife would grab an ice cold six pack of black & green chocolate and share it with the family.
    In the paper we would read about distinguished people being awarded knighthood with a block of black & green chocolate for services to chocolate.
    In the yard, the kids would be fighting over the last piece of black & green chocolate and there would be an ad on television asking for donations of chocolate to the flood victims in Pakistan. People would not be discriminated by their taste in dark or white chocolate.
    We would be reconciling our past injustices towards the indiginous chocolate makers of Australia and bridging the gap in health outcomes for ALL chocolate lovers.
    I would have a people's assembly to discuss the impact of climate change on chocolate and a carbon trading scheme to offset our excessive per capita chocolate usage providing it does not impact on our gross national happiness...

    ... well if the pollies can announce pipedream policies to win an election.. i can do the same to win some chocolate.. it's only fair.

  12. I'm getting married in November, so the plan would be to break up 2 blocks for each table for my guests to enjoy. I think it'll go quite nicely with some red wine. When I think about it, right now (in the middle of winter) would be the perfect time to enjoy some dark chocolate, so for the love of chocolate we better move the wedding date forward!

  13. It would inspire me to create an elaborate chocolate domino effect!

  14. Organic is cool, but its still dark chocolate, which I don't care for.

    So... when they remove the vending machine at work, I'd place it in a non-profit sale box in the kitchen. With the proceeds I would buy more and keep restocking the box. Rinse, soak, repeat ... at least until the moochers take all of it without paying. Should last a while that way.

  15. I would sell them on ebay, with the money I'll go to by the most expensive chocolate in the world and enjoy it Uhm...( I did'nt mean your choc is cheap sh...)but since you asked that's my answer.

  16. 24 blocks wow. I would eat them of course and I would share some with special friends at work .. dark chocolate are good for your health. bravo Thanh

  17. I would sell them on ebay, with the money I'll go to by the most expensive chocolate in the world and enjoy it Uhm...( I did'nt mean your choc is cheap sh...)but since you asked that's my answer.

  18. I would def give away some of the chocolate to family and friends. Sharing is caring and I love making others happy...especially with chocolate! With the rest I'd try doing some fancy baking! The possibilities are endless!


  19. TK said that he'd share the chocolate with the girl he likes.

  20. I would melt the chocolate down and make a giant babushka doll and eat each layer..layer by layer....yummm!!!

  21. They would form the central pillar of my cunning new weight loss program. I figure that I can "bribe" myself not to snack during the day - the reward for abstaining being a single square of high quality organic chocolate in the evening. If my calculations are correct, 24 blocks will enable this innovative health regime to last for 1 year, 7 months and 15 days. I can't see how this could possibly fail!

  22. Spread a thick layer of peanut butter between two blocks at a time and make epic chocolate sandwiches. Cos I'm classy, he he.

  23. I would build a chocolate cubby house (Hanzel and gretal style, complete with lollies) for my children to play in. And when they're finished playing, we will eat it all up.

    Who said playing with your food was bad? hehe...

  24. If I had 24 bars of Green and Blacks chocolate I would lock myself away in my room, put on a couple of DVDS and have a fantastic evening of heavenly indulgence!
