
Saturday, May 21, 2011

Jazz Apples Competition Winner Is...

After some careful deliberation and a lucky dip, I've picked a winner for the Jazz Apple Competition.

The competition came down to two entries for me, which I couldn't split. So I went to a best of three draw of names from a hat.

Firstly, thank you to everyone who entered. There were lots of great answers.

A few honourable mentions to Justin who appealed to my musical senses (for those of you who know me, I really love to sing), John who made me laugh with his Android based dig (think Apple iPhone), and Pat(inoz) who's evil sense of humour also made me laugh.

But the contest came down to Jordanite, who said he would throw the apples at his boss (isn't that every worker's evil dream), and Agnes, who wrote an amazing story about how to use apples to end up with suckling pig (read all the entries in the link above). These two entries were both really good and I couldn't split it, so I had to draw names out of a hat.

After drawing names out of a hat, the winner is.....Jordanite.

Congratulations Jordanite, I will be contacting you shortly.

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