From centre going clockwise we have Jessie, Tin, Jamela in the background, Trung and Hien.
Hot pot is very easy to do. You just need some good chicken stock for the soup base, to which you can add many different hot pot flavourings. I kept one just as the chicken stock and the other side was hot chilli mixture. Then for the food, you can use anything. I chose an assortment of seafood (scallops, prawn, squid), meat balls (beef, pork, fish, crab, tofu stuffed with fish), meats (beef, lamb), vegetables, tofu and my favourite of all, pig's intestines. Then you just throw in whatever meat you want to eat and wait till its ready.
Keiran thought he would be fashionably late and turned up to find that we had finished eating. You don't keep five hungry people waiting when there is all this food in front of them. Anyway, we sat with Keiran and watched him eat. You can also see the two jars of hot chilli sauce in the photo. You must have some type of hot chilli/satay/XO sauce when eating hot pot. My favourite was the jar I brought all the way back from my holiday in Hong Kong.
After totally stuffing ourselves with hot pot, we still managed to stuff ourselves even more with CHOCOLATE, mmmmm. I cut up an assortment of fruits and also some marshmallows for dipping into the chocolate. The bananas tasted the best in my opinion, followed by strawberries and marshmallows equally. Green apples surprisingly tasted very good too, with the mix of sour and sweet working well.
Jamela was getting right into it and even had a chocolate vampire like teeth dripping down her mouth.
After dinner, we were all ready to look at McNaught's Comet and the International Space Station. However, turned out that there were too many clouds and we couldn't see anything. But having seen the comet and the space station the previous night, I have to say that they are definitely an amazing sight to see. Unfortunately the people who hadn't seen them couldn't see them that night due to wrong weather conditions. Besides that small let down, we all had a great time and literally couldn't move after all the food.