
Saturday, June 30, 2012

Giveaway - Tea Blossoms Teapot, Cups and Blooming Teas

There are coffee drinkers, and then there are tea drinkers. While I like a coffee occasionally, my drink of choice is most definitely tea. I drink at least a glass of tea a day. I like all types of teas, but always without sugar or milk. I prefer the natural flavours of the tea, so I tend to drink green teas, black teas, oolong teas and flower teas. So when I was contacted by Tea Blossoms to try out their tea, I was more than happy to.

Tea Blossoms sell all types of tea and specialising, as their name suggests, in blossoming tea. If you haven't heard about or seen blossoming tea before, you'll be impressed. Blossoming teas are balls of tea consisting of mixtures of things such as Green Tea, Black Tea, Marigold, Globe Amaranth, Jasmine, Osmanthus, Chrysanthemus, Vanilla and many more, which when dropped into hot water bloom into these beautiful creations. The effect is visually stunning, but the mix of tea is also really good in flavour. I tried out a few of the Tea Blossoms blooming tea balls and they were really good, quite complex in flavours.

I've also tried all 6 flavours of tea bags, and again I was impressed. I must say I extremely impressed with the silken bags. I'd never seen those before but they keep the tea leaves from falling out of the bag. As to the tea themselves, I think the key to all the types was that it tasted like real tea, with leaves I could see. The chamomile contained a good amount of chamomile tea, while the English breakfast, which I normally find rather boring, actually tasted rather fragrant. The Fairytale tea, which also came in the loose leaf form, is super fragrant and smells like a tea cocktail. There were lots of fruit and flowers inside so you get hints of everything. I've been drinking that everyday at work and it's very calming.

I'm impressed with the products from Tea Blossoms and will definitely be a repeated customer of their website. The large selection of tea will definitely keep me satisfied while the various tea sets and packages make for great gifts as well. Thanks to Tea Blossoms, I've got one of their gift packages to give away to one of my readers. The details of the competition are below.


I'm totally blown away by the number of people how have entered this competition. It was truly unexpected. I didn't know so many people like tea like myself. Thank you all for your suggestions of teas to try as well as things to try with tea. I shall slowly work through them.

Using, the lucky winner is Candice, who used to be an auditor for Tetley Tea.

Photo courtesy of Tea Blossoms.

Glass Teapot
2 x Glass Tea Cup and Saucer
Box of 12 Mixed Blooming Teas
Box of 24 Silken Pyramid Infusers (English Breakfast, Earl Grey, Peppermint Green, Chamomile Lavender, Green Jasmine, Fairytale)
100g Loose Leaf Fairytale Tea


Leave a comment. Maybe you'd like to tell me what you like to eat with tea, or your favourite tea or anything else.

Make sure there is a way for me to contact you, either via Twitter, a blog or an email. If you don't want to publish your email in the comments, please email me at and let me know which comment was yours. If I do not hear back from you after 2 days upon contacting you, I will redraw the prize.

Conditions of Entry
- One entry per person.
- The prize will only be delivered within Australia. If you are an overseas reader, you can still enter but you will need to send your prize to an Australian address.
- Winner randomly drawn.
- Competition closes Sunday July 8th 9pm AEST. The winners will be announced on the following day and published on this same post.
- I will contact the winner directly.


  1. I love tea as well, it's so comforting and calming :)

    Favourite variety is definitely Chinese Gunpowder. Mmm

  2. tea is bliss!...i love toast with my tea.

  3. Love tea! Especially on these cold winter nights! Just tucking myself under the throw warming my hands up with a hot cup of tea! Brrrrr!

    My favourite tea is the korean roasted rice green tea! Just love the aroma of the roasted rice and also knowing that it's good for you! (:

    email add :

    ps: how pretty is the tea blossoms!? love it!

  4. There's nothing better than a good cup of tea to wind down after work. My current flavour choice includes Liquorice Root, Fennel Seeds & Peppermint - YUM!

  5. My favorite tea would be Lapsang Souchong. Most people find it disgusting because of its smoky flavor but I feel that people tend to focus too much on its smoky flavor rather than its earthy, organic taste.

    I usually have lapsang souchong with something savory, especially salmon because I love smoked salmon, so naturally, i want something smoky and earthy that can compliment salmon. :D

  6. I love Jasmine tea, the roasted rice tea, lotus tea.. Mainly green tea ... I drink tea everyday and my teapot is old now I need a new one :)

  7. I love tea when I'm having a round of yum cha... mmmmm dumplings and chinese tea.

  8. My favourite teas are the fruity range, from T2, strawberries & cream is amazing with freshly baked scones with cream and strawberry jam on a Sunday afternoon. :)

  9. I'm definitely a tea lover too! I realised today I probably drink wayyy to much of it though; 3 - 4 cups a day. I'm quite fond of english breakfast tea with buttery cookies like shortbread or just green tea on a cold night so I can hold the hot mug whilst it cools. Love the picture by the way.

  10. My tea of choice depends on my mood, my current favourites (on high rotation..) are:
    - japanese green tea
    - jasmine tea
    - peppermint tea

  11. I love chai tea - tea is just what I need in the afternoon for a boost to get me through the rest of the day.

  12. I love tea with a sweet bikkie, yummo!

  13. My favourite type of tea is lemon with a drizzle of manuka honey. Delicious! (Email is

  14. Tea can be drunk at anytime, any place and great with cake

  15. I love eating something sweet with my English Breakfast Tea. I find they compliment eachother, a lovely way to relax.
    What a beautiful prize.

  16. If you ever get to the Barossa, call into Kies Winery and tea rooms in Lyndoch - the range of teas and teapots/cups is amazing, and there's something for everyone!

  17. Tea and toast first thing in the morning is my favourite way to enjoy my cup of tea.

  18. Life is like a cup of tea. It's all about how you make it!
    I like my tea like I prefer my men-strong and hot!
    A cup of tea with friends is the way to solve problems, celebrate, and heal souls. When I was young, my mum would often say "Put the kettle on. Time for a cuppa" And we would all congregate around the table and chat. My best memories.

  19. Kirsten Krohn7/01/2012 7:42 PM

    I could not survive winter without my tea! I tend to lean more towards the old Peppermint or Raspberry Leaf tea but i do love the odd cup of Chinese tea!

  20. I have been drinking tea since i was a small child. I have only just started drinking coffee. But tea holds a special place in my heart. My new tea love is Rooibos its so so very good for you and the lack of tannins makes it super smooth.

    My twitter is @MsMyst

  21. I actually don't drink coffee at all. I love my tea. I love green tea and I never add any milk or sugar. I have quite a few teas from T2. In my previous job I use to do the audit of Tetley Tea and I loved having to select my tea in the morning because they had so many varieties. My twitter is @candyhi5

  22. I love tea! I just bought a tea cup & saucer today for my desk at work. I love green teas at the moment - Jasmine especially. If you can get a scone beside your tea...well, you're in heaven.

  23. Oh I love tea especially the Earl Grey I have at the end of the day I just love that smell. All of those Tea Blossom products look so pretty.

  24. I'm a two cup of tea a day gal... first thing in the morning to welcome the day before the kids rise then in bed after the kids are asleep - a nice warm cuppa and a good book. Love my tea.

  25. Being Indian, tea is part of our culture! I am lucky enough to have a cousin who works in the tea gardens of Assam, which is apparently the place where Queen Elizabeth gets her tea sent from! He always puts aside some of the best crop for us, and we always get a stashed packed for us when we visit India!

    Nothing beats a pot of sweet, milky Assam tea, infused with ginger and cardamom pods. Chai heaven.

  26. I've been drinking black tea for over 30 years and today I ate some scrumptious pear & raspberry bread with my cuppa. TEA-riffic. Never drink coffee!

  27. I love tea. Although I am not normally a dunker, a buttersnap biscuit, which could otherwise be a teeth breaker, is scrumptious

    twitter @wishitliveit

  28. I love to have with my tea some cake from "Shingle Inn", and a few of my friends for catch ups.


  29. am a sucker for the simple tea: jasmine. i am also a big fan of roasted brown rice japanese tea... but good jamine tea hits the spot for me. i also have a weakness for tea pots and tea cups and saucers. not easy to find a tea pot that doesn't back flow and cause a dribbly mess!

  30. Cranberry Tea is devine, the taste and the smell leave me feeling energised and refreshed. I'm a convert.

  31. I'm not too big on coffee too! Just like you, I am a tea-drinker and my boyfriend has also influenced me to get more into tea. My fav def green tea, ti kuan yin, and english breakfast. Yums!

    Just recently I broke my tea pot from T2 that I got for Christmas last year and has only used twice! :( *hint hint*

  32. Tracy Fleming7/02/2012 12:01 PM

    nothing beats jam,cream and scones with tea!!!

  33. I love Green Tea. There is nothing better than when a hot cup of green tea when my girls are in bed and I can finally unwind. It's just a shame I don't get more time to sit down and enjoy cups during the day!


  34. A cherished childhood memory is catching the train into the city (Melbourne) with my Nanna, and having tea and scones (with jam and cream) in the Myer Cafeteria - I thought I was SO grown up.
    I don't have my tea with loads of milk and three sugar lumps anymore, and Nanna is in heaven - but I still love a cuppa x

  35. I love a strong black tea with something sweet, like a homemade cinammon and sugar cookie

  36. What a lovely competition! It all looks so pretty! My favourite tea is Gopi Chai that I buy from my organic food store. It is absolutely delicious.


  37. Great comp... thank you. I love green tea and a chocolate truffle to go with it, is very nice!

  38. I love nothing more than visiting my poppa and we sit and chat with our cuppa.I always take a homemade sweet treat, like fresh shortbreads or a lovely cake. Great company makes a great cup of tea :) it warms the heart.

  39. Chai - simply 'Tea'rrific!


  40. Oh my gosh this is a fantastic giveaway, Thanh! Yes, I too enjoy my coffee but find myself drinking tea on a more regular basis, especially during exams when I'm studying. For English teas I love Earl Grey a lot more than Breakfast. And I enjoy it most with a warm slice of cake or banana bread =D But I also enjoy the Roasted Rice and Green Tea from time to time too mmm... Ohh I do hope I win this, would really enjoy this a lot =D

  41. Leanne stansbury7/03/2012 1:31 PM

    I love a cup of tea mid-morning with Swedish ginger crisps. Such a great combination to help me back on track and feeling refreshed. Such a gorgeous prize, many thanks.

  42. Sitting down for tea somehow brings the best of people, the best ettique and manners. It is so civilized.

  43. Add it to your favourites,
    Share it with your friends;
    The website's great,
    Have a cuppa and celebrate.

  44. I love a nice hot cup of tea in the mornings with my breakfast and another cup of herbal tea right before I go to bed.


  45. I love a steaming hot cup of white tea with a couple of macaroons! Makes the day great again!

  46. Buddha's Tears are my favourite tea treat. Delicately fragrant. That and a slice of apple teacake make for a cracking morning tea.


  47. Tea is awesome.. I still can't believe I paid $25 for a little pot of tea at VdM.. but it did calm my soul!!!

  48. In Singapore we had the most wonderful blossom tea, since then I have become infatuated with blooming teas

  49. ohh, new tea website, like!

    tea goes best with cake, for sure!

  50. Ooh I love drinking sweet piping hot tea preferably an English breakfast good with shortbread-

  51. I love a sweet piping hot cup of tea with my jamies on whilst sitting on the couch. An English Breakfast and a shortbread is so comforting

  52. Tea, it's not something i drink everyday, but something i drink choose to drink when i feel like it. I like to choose and match the right tea for my mood. This may be influenced by the time in day, by the weather, or even by the way i feel at times there wouldn't be anything better than tea to drink to satisfy oneself. I usually like to accompany my tea with a few pieces of short bread. Nothing better than the broken parts of short bread left at the bottom of the cup from over dunking them into the hot tea.

  53. The glass teacups are cute!

    I can't get enough lapsang souchong - almost savoury :)

  54. i'm boring but I like me some english breakfast tea with milk :D

  55. A slowly considered cup of tea...

    My perfect solution to ratty children!


  56. My fave tea would be english breakfast tea. Tea calms me down so I tend to drink tea to pick me up.
    I come from a family of tea drinkers and it's common for my family to go for tea together.

  57. I love tea and I love the tea set giveaway!! :))

    Tea always have better health benefits and I love the soothing effect especially after a heavy meal.

    I'd also love to have a pot of tea for afternoon snacks (cakes/pastries) / catching up with friends.

  58. I look forward to my ritual cup of tea, a pleasure enjoyed at least daily, to refresh, relax, warm and comfort me, always doing so instantly, loving the classic English breakfast tea, with soy milk and raw sugar added sparingly, its flavour and aroma perfectly, creating my special time just to be.

  59. Look at those gorgeous teas ... they're 'blooming' brilliant. No tea cosy for that teapot, that little beauty is meant to be seen.

  60. I probably drink three cups of tea each day! It is the most relaxing drink.. especially on a cold winter's afternoon.

  61. What a gorgeous tea set! I start my day with some great black tea and end it with jasmine dragon ball tea. In between, I enjoy some green tea and raspberry leaf tea.

    I eat everything with tea, but my favourite would be honey cake (also made with a good strong tea).

    dizzyfae at hotmail dot com

  62. I love tea with biscuits baked by my 9 year old daughter... she loves to experiment and I love to taste-test her creations! (not sure about her vegemite & sultana cookies though!)

  63. I love any tea with peppermint in it. Not only is it refreshing, but it's a great digestive too.

  64. It probably wouldn't suit most of the above teas, but gosh I do love a Scotch Finger biscuit with my tea!

    A favourite tea memory - I remember in Canberra in the mid 1990s when Arctic Fire tea started appearing in cafes. We all thought it was the epitome of class!

  65. Tea reminds me of my Apor (Chinese grandmother). She loved tea, black no sugar. We'd drink tea and play mahjong and watch Days of Our Lives on TV...!
    That's why I love tea.

  66. Entry on behalf of Joanne.

  67. I love tea. All kinds of tea...except the Lipton black tea. Yuk!

  68. I absolutely love tea especially green tea and I too prefer my tea pure without sugar or milk. What a lovely prize and these teas sound wonderful :) mmm

  69. I love making my own tea infusion or add a little something to amazing teas. There's a tea for every mood!

  70. Adore sitting down after a long day to some nice fruity tea.

  71. I love to drink a pot of green tea when its wet and rainy outside and im home alone. Especially great when im feeling a bit poorly or down omn myself! I bought some amazing blooming tea in vietnam!

  72. I'm a 23 year old, tea drinking, crocheting, shortbread snacking nanna. A pot of tea is a must every morning before breakfast, and every night after dinner!

  73. @Pipsi_Cola

    I love tea all the way from A to Z...

    Assam, Bergamot, Chamomile, Darjeeling, Earl Grey, Fruity, Green, Herbal, Iced, Jasmine, Keemun, Lemon, Mint, Naked Pu-Erh, Oolong, Peppermint, Qilan, Rooibos, Sencha, Ti Kuan Yin, Uji Gyokuro, Vintage, White, antioXidants, Yellow, Zhucha!

  74. I love green tea,with it I love having a home made Italian ricotta cake sprinkled with nutmeg

  75. Orange and Poppy Seed Cake goes perfectly with a cup of Darjeeling tea.

  76. Theres nothing better than fine china cups a teapot steeping Earl Grey Tea with friends laughing bickies galore.

  77. Can't survive without my English breakfast tea and Timtams of course!

  78. This past week,
    I've been quite sick.
    But my green tea with honey,
    Has been doing the trick.
    This Tea Blossoms kit,
    Would be the perfect fit.
    So I could look classy,
    Though I'm feeling nasty.

    Hi, great giveaway! You can contact me at if you need.

    Thanks, Brad.

  79. I Love tea, is very relaxing and i love the "AROMA" that is part of the aromatheraphy, i love how eac variety of tea help u with some health problem , and i enjoy too to have tea with my friends and kids

  80. Nothing like a Yummy Coconut Macaron to complement my tea!

    You can Contact me on Twitter


  81. What a gorgeous teapot...I'm particularly partial to Italian almond tea at the moment, its just divine with crisp biscotti.

  82. What gorgeous delicious looking tea! I've seen flowers for drinks before but they were made from Rosella's which unfortunately I am allergic to :( I'd love to try these ones so that I too could have pretty drinks just like everyone else :)

  83. Love a nice cuppa tea...strong, light on milk...with a simple lemon or orange cake! Yumm!

  84. Right now I'm loving lemon and ginger tea -- I'm sick and it is so soothing! I love tea for it's healing properties -- there's a tea for everything!

  85. kristy Sweeney7/07/2012 11:24 PM

    I have to start my day with a cup, then go on to have several more during the day. Tea is comforting, One of my favourites is English Breakfast with a tiny bit of milk and I always leave the teabag in and it must be served in a nice teacup.

  86. "Coffee, Tea or Me?" Have you heard this before? @hawkadel

  87. rosemary devine7/08/2012 8:07 AM

    this is one of the most beautiful tea sets i have ever seen. this tea pot will defintely not need a cozie

  88. I love a good tea, especially anything with jasmine or white tea

    I also love a good tea scented cake, especially earl grey!

  89. Love the look of tea in a glass cup. You can see the clarity.

  90. A good devonshire tea,with a great cuppa.Mmmm

  91. As a new fan to tea I really love peppermint tea and chocolate as a combination. Ready to start moving on to the loose leaf variety now.

  92. Teressa Bateup7/08/2012 3:36 PM

    Cant go past good old black tea, Its Perfect to warm up the bones on a cold day, de stress after a hard day at work and always makes you fell better after bad news. It was my mums remedy for EVERYTHING. God bless her soul.

    Email addy

  93. Green tea is my favourite now but occasionally I'll branch out and have some Russian Caravan or Rose flavoured black tea. I don't like vanilla flavoured tea for some reason. High tea is the ultimate indulgence at quirky tea cafe or a swanky hotel.

  94. Iced Vovos - tradition all the way for me!

  95. In summer it's iced fruit tea & in winter a good old English Breakfast tea.

  96. I love giving tea-inspired presents - a tea pot, or just some interesting tea varieties

  97. The best thing to have with a lovely cup of tea is great conversation (and a cheese and pickle sandwich!)

  98. I'm a purist like you - no sugar, no milk. I tend to stick to herbal teas and love a peppermint tea in the evening - helps stave off the sugar cravings and makes me feel like I had something sweet!

  99. First cup of the day MIT be coffee ... But after that I gladly drink cups of tea all day. Herbal tea is my fav and so many varieties means no boredom ever

  100. I absolutely love tea! It is so good to know that there are so many types of tea waiting for us to experience them!

    Not only they taste great, but they also bring us so many health benefits!

    I particularly enjoy drinking Black teas and Oolong teas, being Tie Guan Yin, one of my favourites!

    Has anyone ever tried this tea? It's quite good. Delicate and smooth! And it is a great help for those who wish to lose weight or treat digestion problems!

    That is why I drink it often and it has helped a lot!
