
Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Giveaway - Nespresso U Coffee Machine and Crealto Pack

You may know that I'm a tea lover, but I occasionally enjoy a good coffee. I really like drinking coffee when I'm in an excellent mood. I don't know why that is. I think it may be the smell of a beautiful cup of coffee as it's so enticing. Making a real coffee can be quite difficult to get right and expensive. Nespresso have bridged that gap between professionally made coffee and instant coffee with their range of machines that use coffee capsules. I think the coffee from those machines are of a good quality, especially for the simplicity of the process.

Nespresso have just released their latest capsule flavour, called Crealto. This new blend is made from Arabica coffee beans and the long roasting time enables the flavours to develop and last a long time. Crealto is best served as an espresso with it's nutty aromas and rates an 8 on the Nespresso 1-10 scale of coffee intensity.

To celebrate the release of the Crealto coffee, I've been asked to give away a Crealto Pack, which contains everything you'll need to create some awesome drinks. To sweeten the giveaway even more, Nespresso are also giving away a Nespresso U Machine.


Wow, what an amazing lot of entries. So many wonderful recipes to try with coffee. Thank you all for entering and after a lot of reviews and re-reviews, I've finally decided on a winner.

Firstly some honourable mentions to Kimberley, Tashanny and Tracey for their innovative uses of coffee as potpourri, a face scrub, and my favourite, a cellulite rub. Honourable mentions also go to Annabelle and Abby, who chose to describe the joys of coffee through wonderful poems. Some really strange and delicious sounding uses for coffee in food came from Marina (coffee creme brulee), Yasmin (sweet chicken marinate), Jade (risotto), Joshua (his quest for a perfect coffee souffle) and Jenly (pork crackling). Anna P and Tracey gave some great coffee ideas for sprucing up a Tim Tam.

However, the two entries that stood out for me were by Karlene (iced coffee) and Jay (chicken thighs) because the coffee was part of the experience. They both transported me to the moment where the coffee was part of an absolutely enjoyable experience and I could imagine myself in their position. While I loved Karlene's simple summer afternoon with an iced coffee, it was Jay's mouth watering Mexican meal complete with lychee caipirinha's that won out for me in the end. So congratulations Jay, you are the winner of a new Nespresso U Coffee Machine and Crealto CoffeePack.
You will win
1 x Nespresso U Machine
1 x Crealto Pack


Leave a comment telling me your best coffee creations, using coffee in either a drink or in some other recipe. The entry judged most creative by myself will be picked as the winner.

Make sure there is a way for me to contact you. If I can't get in contact with you within two days, I will redraw the prize.

Conditions of Entry
- One entry per person.
- The prize will only be delivered within Australia. If you are an overseas reader, you can still enter but you will need to send your prize to an Australian address.
- Competition closes Wednesday September 5th 8pm AEST. The winner will be announced on the following day and published on this same post.
- I will contact the winner directly.


  1. It was 10pm on a cold wintry Melbourne night when cravings for something rich hit me. Most shops were already closed and I was left with only one option: bake.

    Back then before I started this diet journey to thindom, my fridge was often stocked up with sticks of butter and cream cheese.

    So, what do you do when your cravings go haywire and you want both cheesecake and brownie? You simply bake a COMBO! ;)

    I did a bit of a "homework" on Chef Google and decided on a killer combo. For the base, I made a cappuccino brownie and topped it off with baked cheesecake. Yum!

    It was well worth the wait and lack of sleep... boy, do I love late night baking!

    As for the rich cheesecake, dense brownies and addictive caffeine... Oh, it was a sinful indulgence! Om nom nom nom!

  2. Ahhhhh I so want to get a Nespresso machine! The man and I have been eyeing some off and this new U range is sexy.... Rawrrrrrr. Erm, anyway, coffee recipe! Last year when I was home in my parents place recovering from a surgery, my mum made all kinds of comfort food for me, mainly Malaysian cakes but sometimes she threw in something totally bizarre but delicious! One day she made me a "kopi-o"(sweet strong black Malaysian coffee) and condensed milk FUDGE.. Dribbled with condensed milk! Omgggggg. Lovvvvee. Now you got me wanting to get the recipe from her!

    Oh by the way, Sept 5 is my bday. For reals. Wink wink. Lol!

  3. My hubby hates coffee so it's not often I actually get to create with it (as there is no way I'm eating it all on my own! - as much as I would want to....) but the one dish I love that uses coffee and I can get away with it is my mums recipe for meatloaf with BBQ sauce! The sauce has a real hit in many ways but the shot if coffee really enhances it.

  4. I think the SMELL of coffee itself is just as good if not better than the actual taste from consuming it. So, when I was pregnant and I couldn't drink more than one cup of coffee per day (too much caffeine bad for baby) I made a little "coffee potpourri" thing, basically coffee beans in a little sack. Kept it handy on my office desk for the aroma and scent to satisfy my cravings :)

  5. Sir Thanh,
    I will share with you my dad's secret recipe for "sweet chicken marinade"- 1 tablespoon crushed fresh ginger, 4 tablespoons kecap manis, 1 whole onion sliced and 1 teaspoon fresh ground coffee. Mixed together and brushed over chicken pieces and char grilled over an open-flame, it is the nicest and stickiest thing you will ever taste!
    (p.s. if I win, I will be donating the machine to raising money for my charity, the Nepal Aid Project :) Still love and read the blog all the time!)

  6. It was my friend's 17th birthday so I decided to make him cupcakes. He loves chocolate and coffee so what's better than mocha cupcakes! Some research on Tastespotting a few hours before the party and I found the perfect recipe.

    I made it with a swiss meringue buttercream infused with coffee, with a coffee machine it would have been so much better! Because I use instant coffee it didn't bring out the taste as much as I would want it to be but it was delicious! My go to chocolate cupcakes is infused with coffee for it to be rich and moist, yum yum yum! Although I am still young, I'm aspiring to be a pastry chef and I want to use the best I can to enhance the flavours to what I bake, especially cupcakes :D Plus I love coffee hehe.

  7. A good way to relax & unwind from your day -

    2 shots Baileys Original Irish Cream (or as many as you need to take the edge off)
    Scoop Butterscotch Ice cream
    4 Ice Blocks
    Pinch of salt

    Blend & voila!

    A sweet delicious & addictive creamy drink.
    Note: perfect for a morning frappe - Baileys shots optional ;)

  8. Simple and delicious.. Coffee Toffee! Add instant coffee powder of choice to pot of butter, brown sugar to make the toffee and add a pinch of salt. When setting add any type of nuts, coffee beans or choc chips for that extra bite and texture!

  9. I have fond memories of having jellies for desserts at family gatherings (the type you can pick up with your hands, not sure if they have an actual name). Coffee flavour was always my favourite!

    Coffee Jelly
    - 1/2 c cold water
    - 2 cups strong coffee, hot
    - 1 can sweetened condensed milk
    - 3 packages of Knox unflavored gelatin

    1. Place 1/2 cup cold water in a bowl.
    2. Sprinkle 3 unflavored gelatin packets over the water. Let it sit until the gelatin blooms, approx 10 minutes.
    3. Stir in the hot coffee and mix until the gelatin is completely dissolved.
    4. Stir in the can of sweetened condensed milk.
    5. Pour into glass pan. Thickness of finished jello depends on the size of the pan.

  10. I would love to receive a Nespresso machine! It would have made this work trip a lot more bearable considering the lack of decent coffee around... in any case, I can't go past my Chocolate Cake with Coffee Marscarpone Icing when I'm looking for dessert with a coffee hit, that goes great with a latte too.


  11. I have used instant coffee to make mocha muffins:

    something frugal at yahoo dot com

  12. Hi Thanh

    When I used to work in a cafe, on quiet days I would love spicing up my coffee with a simple addition!

    I would throw in a few Jaffas into the milk jug as I heated it up, and watched as their flavour and colour swirled into the white.

    This tasty trick made my coffee so much fun to make and drink - who doesn't love a chocolatey orangey kick to their day!?


  13. In summer, ladle 2 scoops of Gundowring French Vanilla ice cream into a tall latte glass. Heap a teaspoon of sugar. Extract espresso from 1 Nespresso pod (I use Kazaar or Indriya). Top off with cold frothed barista milk (in Aeroccino). Finish off with whipped cream if so desired. That is in my opinion, pretty much the perfect iced coffee.

    In winter, I enjoy a well-crafted affogato. 1 single scoop of Gundowring French Vanilla ice cream in a double-walled Bodum latte glass. Top with a simple dusting of cinnamon sugar. Extract espresso from 1 Nespresso pod (I use Arpeggio or Dhjana). Finish off with whipped cream if so desired.

    For food, I love using coffee to make coffee pork ribs.

    Combine 3 egg whites, 3 tablespoons of cornflour/cornstarch, and 1 tablespoon of rice flour. Add in salt and pepper to taste. Add 1kg pork ribs (cut into individual ribs) and coat well. Deep fry in oil (about 190-200deg), for about 5 minutes, or till golden brown.

    At the same time, heat a large skillet over medium heat, and coat bottom with oil. Add 2 cups of pineapple (peeled, cored, thin sliced or diced), and cook till brown on both sides (about 4-5 minutes per side). Add 1/2 cup of water, 2 tablespoon of oyster sauce, and the extraction of 1 Nespresso pod (I use Kazaar or Ristretto). Stir to combine and coat pineapple well. Toss in deep-fried pork ribs, and stir to combine. Ensure all pork ribs are coated with the sauce. If you prefer a thicker sauce, combine 2-3 teaspoons of cornstarch/cornflour with water and make a paste, and add to pan.

    Once pork ribs are well-coated, and sauce is thickened to personal taste, place on plate, and garnish with sliced bird's eye chillis.

    Enjoy together with steamed white rice.

  14. Hope I have some luck this time...

    I love the fresh cup of coffee in morning before going to work Thanh.


  15. Hahaha I had such a nice chuckle from reading through the comments. All the ideas sound amazing but omg I hope my idea is good enough to win!!

    Everytime I make chicken curry with potatoes, I always add one table spoon of coffee powder at the end. It's SO good!! It gives the sauce an extra depth of flavour and also a very slight bitterness that cuts through the heat but brings out more flavour of the spices. It's hard to explain but you've gotta try it! It's not a lot of coffee powder, but just enough to change the dimensions of the curry sauce. Gosh, I'm craving curry now LOL! I wish I can make it for you to try. But, I only do this for packaged curry pastes though, not the ones made from scratch hehe

  16. Thanh! "Caramelizing" my freshly popped popcorn with a mocha sauce! Best combination has to be chocolate and coffee :')

    - Soph

  17. Hello from Perth! :)

    So if my munchies come and bug me at 2am, the only reasonable satisfaction at that hour is a 2 minute chocolate coffee cake zapped by the microwave.

    That is why you need all this in your pantry at all times:
    2 tbsp flour
    1/2 tsp baking powder
    2 tbsp sugar
    1 tbsp cocoa
    1/2 tsp coffee powder
    1 tbsp oil
    1 tbsp milk
    1 egg
    Few drops vanilla essence
    As many tbsp chocolate chips desired!

    Pretty much mix all dry ingredients together in a mug, lightly whisk egg and add to mug along with other wet ingredients. Heap in your chocolate chips and give it another mix, cover mug with plastic wrap and chuck in the microwave for a minute.
    Check at every 30 second interval after that to make sure the cake is still gooey and moist in the centre.

    I usually reward myself more and smash a Cornetto ice cream cone on top of everything ;)

    It's pretty dangerous knowing that your cravings can be satisfied in under 5 minutes isn't it?

  18. Here's my 'Cheats Tiramisu' given a tweek with Nespresso! It is so quick and easy, no baking involved, and my family love it. Just make sure you assemble it the night before you plan to eat it!

    1 x packet Saviordi biscuits
    (Italian sponge finger biscuits, look in European deli section of Coles or Woolies)
    1 x shot 'Crealto' nespresso
    Splash of Frangelico liqueur
    Tub of thickened cream
    Cadbury Flake

    Place a single layer of biscuits on the base of a shallow baking dish about 20 x 30 cm. Mix coffee and Frangelico in a jug - use as little or as much liqueur as you like! Then pour evenly over the biscuits, reserving half the liquid. Layer half of the thickened cream over the biscuits. Then repeat with another layer of biscuits, drizzle rest of liquid over and top with more cream. Garnish with a crumbled Cadbury Flake.
    Variations: try a Nespresso 'Ristretto' with Bundaberg Rum; or a Nespresso 'Cosi' with Grand Marnier

  19. I used to work in a café and after watching a local barista competition was inspired to create my own signature drink with only 3 ingredients
    -Orange Juice
    -Double Espresso

    Mix Orange Juice and Cream in an iSi metal canister charged with nitrogen to whip, then dispense orange foam over the double espresso- delish!

  20. Coffee and Chillie Yummy

  21. I'm entering this for Hamish.

    My best coffee creation.... hmmm.. I haven't done one, only tiramisu, and well that was good, even with chocolate coated coffee beans on top, and sponge fingers on the side... it was good even for someone who isn't a coffee person!

  22. So we all aboard the Mexican train that had steamed into Melbourne -  which has inspired my wife and I to learn about new ingredients.

    My wife (Rach) makes a killer guacamole - and the pressure was well and truly on me to contribute something sit alongside this guac to create a complete South American meal.

    So... I took a couple of juicy chicken thighs and lathered them in a rub of ground coffee, cocoa powder, freshly roasted ground chipotle, smoked paprika, brown sugar, dried oregano and olive oil.

    Once roasted on the barbecue the chicken took on this amazing rich deep brown shiny glaze. Once devoured (at the risk of sounding like Kylie Kwong) had amazing depth of flavour thanks to that ground coffee.

    I feel obligated to tell you that the lychee caipirinha's washed this all down rather nicely too : )

    Thanks for reading!
    0403 301 399

  23. My cousin used to work at a bar and she used to make me:

    1 shot Kahlua
    1 shot Vodka
    1 shot White Creme de Cacao
    2 shots Nespresson Livanto

    Shaken over ice = pure perfection!

    I've also made it with other Nespresso capsules!

    I make a coffee cheesecake with spiced base. Using a New York style baked cheesecake recipe, add a shot of cooled espresso to the mixture before baking and ommit the citrus. When preparing the base, add ginger, cinnamon and cardamom. The combination of the coffee and the spiced based is to die for!

  25. Coffee Crusted Macarons,
    Dark Chocolate Mocha Ganash Crusty Coffee Shells Half Dipped in White Chocolate.

    Serve with a Double shot Espresso Martini or Two!

    Kind Regards
    Kelly Evans

  26. I love pouring hot steaming coffee over two round scoops of freezing rock hard dark chocolate ice cream. Yum and Yum.

  27. I'ma real coffee lover, and love desserts like Tiramasu and Affogato, but recently I had a go at 'Coffee Risotto'. Not as bizarre as it sounds, it is basically a rice pudding, but instead of cooking the rice in milk, you cook it in coffee. Add some sugar to sweeten it up and then serve it with a generous dollop of thickened cream. Goes particularly well with a dessert wine, such as Moscatel.

  28. coffee... the name has already served itself indulgence! why complicated life when a cup of coffee is already a perfect coffee creation, if I would say so myself... umm, perhaps with a dash of caramel on "that" frothy foamed milk

  29. a delicious aroma
    from a freshly brewed coffee
    creamy and sweet
    caramel latte is my pleasure

  30. I have surely become a coffee addict this year after starting uni- before I wasn't allowed anything with caffeine. I'm also the creative type and tend to mix lots of things together!

    The best coffee creation for me was a tiramisu of types. I had some cream which I needed to use, some canned peaches and left over sponge biscuits.

    I made a coffe syrup, and warmed the peaches. chopped the biscuits and whipped the cream. Then layered everything together.

    The taste was amazing- fresh but sweet. The coffee was the real star though!

  31. My absolute favourite coffee creation is a Chocolate Coffee Martini, but beware, this fabulous concoction packs a serious punch and is not for the faint-hearted!

    Pour 30ml's of chocolate liqueur into a martini glass, followed by…

    15ml's of vodka, followed by…

    An expresso shot of your favourite coffee, followed by...

    30ml's of Irish cream liqueur (such as Baileys), then topped with…

    a small scoop of chocolate ice-cream.

    Decadent, delectable and to die for!

  32. Coffee Shortbread! Best homemade Christmas Present for friends and family

  33. I have made a receipe for my own face scrub:
    (The quantities of each ingredient depend on you own skin type so just mix together what feels right to you)

    Coffee granules
    Strawberries for a good once a week scrub
    Papaya/ paw paw for an every other day scrub

    Mash the ingredients together and gentky massage into your face. The honey will kill bacteria build up in your pores. The strawberries/ papaya have natural enzymes that break down dead skin cells. The milk will soothe and nourish your skin ANd the coffee will stiluate your face, pores become smaller and skin stays more supple and energised.

    I love using this scrub!

  34. Coffee creme brulee is a great "adults" indulgence for a special dinner. Add a little coffee liqueur as well as strong espresso or instant to the custard mix before baking.

  35. A friend gave me a recipe for baked coffee cheescake with coffee cream

    170g butter, melted
    300g sour cream
    500g cream cheese
    3/4 cup (175g) caster sugar
    3 eggs
    2 tbs Kahlua
    300g sour cream
    Coffee essence
    300ml double cream
    250grams Granita Biscuits
    Process 250g Granita biscuits until fine crumbs form. Add melted butter, and process until combined. Press the crumbs 2/3 of the way up the sides and over the base of a 22cm pan. Refrigerate until required.
    Use an electric beater to beat cream cheese and caster sugar until smooth. Beat in eggs and Kahlua . Beat in sour cream. Pour into biscuit crust and bake for 1 hour.
    coffee cream-Fold a little coffee essence through 300ml double cream until a swirl effect appears. Serve with slices of the cheesecake.

  36. Ginger nut biscuits soaked in a coffee and, a touch of, rum solution. Sandwich them together with whipped cream (on the edge) to make a log shape. Cover in whipped cream. Lovely!

  37. I have made my very own cellulite cream!
    Mix 1/4 cup warm, used coffee grounds with 1 tablespoon of oil (olive, almond, walnut or massage oil will do). Stand on newspaper in the bath and apply the mixture over your cellulite zones. Then wrap yourself in plastic wrap and leave on for up to five minutes. Unwind the plastic wrap, then brush off the loose grounds. Remove the newspaper and take a warm shower using a exfoliating brush. Repeat twice a week.

  38. This inst my doing but my mere males mistake! But he still does it he was preparing our meal for the night and instead of rubbing with peppers etc he accidentally rubbed it with coffee (how he made this mistake is beyond me) anyway after a bit he realised and smelt it was indeed coffee he podded along and found the cracked pepper and rubbed that in also , and I have to say that was a very different and yet tasty Porterhouse we had ever had. Never tried it into a sauce but its a thought now

  39. My man makes the best tiramisu trouble is he usually drinks the coffee before I get my dessert

  40. A coffee made with love no matter how bad always gives me a hit!

  41. A wise man once said "those wielding tim-tam-mocha cake pops will never be short of company".

    2 packets of tim tams
    Half a tub Philly
    2 strong espresso shots

    Step one: Tip everything into a food processor
    Step two: Roll into balls
    Step three: Enjoy
    (dipping in melted chocolate is optional)


  42. obviously it came from a celebrity chef, but you really need to try it before you knock it!

    Cheese, drizzled in a little honey, then sprinkled with a little crushed coffee.


  43. Cappacino cheesecake
    coffee cheese cake layer
    topped with a white choclate layer
    sprinkled with cocoa powder

    simple , quick and delicious.

  44. Lee Lamont ( 12:02 AM

    a mocha cheesecake, combine ground coffee and hot chocolate, tastes fantastic

  45. I make a coffe cake, flavoured with strong coffee and containing chopped walnuts. I split and spread with coffee flavoured butter cream and top with coffee icing and decorate with chopped walnuts. Truly delicious!

  46. Coffee in a Tiramisu,
    I don't know about you.
    With a rich taste,
    There's never any waste!

  47. I recently baked cupcakes to raise money for the RSPCA, and billed them as 'Something like Rocky Road.' As well as being a standard chocolate sponge with nuts and marshmallow, I also included fresh coffee, Kahlua, and caramel liquor. They proved quite popular, probably because I didn't disclose the coffee and alcoholic contents.

  48. My most wickedly delcious Baci and Coffee Torte.
    Layers of coffee infused sponge, filled alternately with coffee marscarpone cheese and cream.
    Topped with melted Baci Chocolate, coffee and cream ganache.
    mmmmmm! It's really a dessert to DIEt for!

  49. Being from an Indian background (Calcutta to be specific, where their forte is sweets!), my cooking has always been predominantly from my heritage. Coffee in cooking is however mostly a western flavour! I decided to exercise my creativity and try to marry the two up and voila – coffee flavoured barfi!

    For those that don’t know, barfi is an Indian sweet, made from home made ricotta, and brought to the right texture and taste with additions of milk powder, sugar (often palm sugar), and an essence or flavour for a unique taste. It was here that I decided to add a dash of espresso for a coffee flavour, and then the whole mixture was worked on with some serious elbow grease to bring it to a very thick, pastey consistency.

    At this stage, you can mould them into cool shapes, or what I did was press the mixture into a baking dish, top with a thin layer of melted chocolate and put it in the fridge to set! Once the chocolate had set, the barfi was sliced up into bite size pieces… mmmm…

    Such a decadent treat, and such a wonderful fusion of cultures and tastes!

  50. A busy mummy who has a passion to create,
    Sumptuous dark chocolate and coffee is my fate!
    Bringing a pure state of bliss to my life each and every day!
    I can’t wait to share my creations without delay!
    A coffee on the run is often hard,
    Spills! Burns! Kids! I MUST always be on my guard!
    Breast feeding, so I must monitor my caffeine intake,
    BUT it is NEEDED to keep me alert and awake!
    Rolled oats, sugar, coffee, unsalted butter, coca, coconut flakes mixed in a large bowl,
    Rolled into dozens of small balls is how I control!
    A favourite treat for young and old,
    An idyllic hand-crafted gift worth its weight in gold!
    ANOTHER I really would love to share,
    All must try if you dare,
    From this recipe I have been titled “Mummy Mousse”,
    I even add shaved white and dark chocolate on top just to spruce!
    Coffee Chocolate Mousse takes only 10 minutes to prepare,
    At least 6-8 people you can proudly share,
    3 eggs, 2 tablespoons of caster sugar, 250gm finely chopped dark chocolate, ¾ cup thickened cream, 1/3 cup of freshly made black coffee and whip!
    Cover and placed in the fridge for 2 hours you must not skip!
    Garnish with seasonal fruits epitomises delight,
    Complimented with whipped cream always does excite!
    A recipe I’ve used for 20 years,
    Celebrated at Christmas! Birthdays! Dinner Party’s! AND has always brought warm and welcoming cheers!

  51. Tracey Kennard9/04/2012 12:54 PM

    I have decided I cannot compete with all the witty, clever and sheer poetic entries posted above.
    So, in despair I hang my head in disapointment.
    I need a coffee to cheer myself up :(
    Back to my old kettle, my old instant jar of coffee I go.........
    Boil kettle, One spoon of instant coffee into a mug, add 2 sugers, add boiling water, add milk. stir. enjoy.
    Maybe one day I can join the coffee elite..
    Maybe? maybe????



  53. I absolutely love to put coffee into my adds so much to their flavour. Vanilla coffee is the best in Vanilla cupcakes...YUM!


  54. When I was growing up in Alabama, my grandfather used to always marinate his steaks overnight in a marinade of coffee(strong black) and red wine.....It tenderizes the meat like you wouldn't believe and the flavours are magnificent. I use about 1 cup of red to 3/4 cup of coffee...then get creative. You can add thyme, garlic, cracked black pepper or even chilli! It always surprises people when I tell them why our steaks always taste so yummy and tender. : )

  55. The dinner party was scheduled for Saturday night,
    My In-laws were coming, the menu had to be right!!
    What could I cook that would be up to scratch?
    I searched my favourite Recipes, a plan I'd need to hatch!!
    My In-laws love coffee, so this ingredient would star
    in nearly all that I cooked, it would be the best so far!
    Entree was easy, a home-made soup would do the trick,
    Tomato Soup with Garlic Croutons, delicious and thick!
    Coffee Crusted Lamb was my choice for main meal
    with a simple recipe that shouldn't be much of an ordeal.
    Brew the coffee, then mix with rosemary, garlic, honey and soy,
    blend, pour over lamb then marinate for tender meat you'll enjoy?
    Bake in the oven at 200C for 40 minutes, there about.
    Serve with roast vegetables, for a great meal there's no doubt!!
    Now for dessert, I think Coffee Creme Brulee,
    would finish the meal in the most delightful way!
    Everything went well, we had almost survived!
    Then disaster struck and I swear I nearly died!!
    My coffee machine "croaked" and refused to turn on,
    meaning I only had "Instant" Coffee to serve everyone.
    "I'm sorry", I cried and my lip started to quiver,
    and my mother-in-law shot me a look that would make a grown man quiver!
    With hurried goodbyes they escaped out the door
    and my hopes for a wonderful night came crashing to the floor!
    So, as the bills keep on coming, I guess I'll wait for a new machine,
    keep drinking my "Instant" Coffee, save my pennies and dream!
    So, I'll send in my entry with a hope and a prayer,
    that it will be chosen the winner because of my poetic flair!!

    Sandra M

  56. COFFEE RISOTTO ... Yes, risotto. With coffee! This is a dessert, creamy and delicious.

    My all time favourite comfort food. The coffee and brandy in this dish really brings life to the rice and risotto texture is so well suited to this amazing fusion of delicious flavours!

    1 and 1/2 Tbs instant coffee granules
    1/2 cup arborio rice
    2 cups milk
    1/2 cup caster sugar
    30grams butter - unsalted
    1 cup thick cream
    1/4 cup brandy
    1 vanilla bean

    Place coffee in saucepan with water and vanilla bean.
    Bring to boil, turn off heat, soak for 5 minutes. Return to low heat, add milk and stir every so often until rice is tender. Add sugar, cream, brandy and butter. Cook over low heat and stir for another 5minutes. Don't forget to remove the vanilla bean, i either drizzle with cream or serve with vanila bean ice cream.

    Ultimate indulgence :)

  57. While I was backpacking in France a year ago, I visited a homestyle bistro which served the most amazing coffee soufflé dessert I have ever tasted.

    Ever since, I have been trying to recreate that perfect dessert but have been unable to unlock the secret combination of ingredients.

    I have tried free range eggs, organic eggs, duck eggs, white sugar, brown sugar, palm sugar, thickened cream, double cream, sour cream, ground coffee, instant coffee... the soufflé rises, but not solving "the Da Soufflé Code" is quite deflating.

    Perhaps the secret ingredient might be the Crealto?

  58. Dear Thanh,

    My homemade pork crackling with a coffee twist,
    Here's my yummy recipe that's not to be missed!
    Mix ground coffee with chipotle chilli powder,
    Then add paprika, cumin, coriander and brown sugar.
    Finish with a touch of oregano, sea salt and pepper,
    Rub the mixture onto pork belly and massage it all over.
    Place the marinated pork into a nice roasting pan,
    Roast it in preheated 400F oven for 30 mins if you can.
    Reduce the heat to 350F and roast for another 1 hour,
    The pork would caramelise - you'll enjoy the flavour!
    Remove pork from oven and let it rest for 10 minute,
    Slice the pork crackling evenly before you eat!
    The aroma of coffee blends naturally with the spices,
    I guarantee you'd want more after savouring the bits and pieces!


  59. Morning Coffee - Espresso Hit,
    Mid Morning Coffee - double shot flat white
    Lunch Coffee - Cappuccino
    Afternoon Coffee - Affogato
    Dessert - Coffee with Balieys

    Love my coffee!!
    email -

  60. Okay this one gets a little weird but bare with me. I brew some rich coffee and while it is hot, I get a spoonful of honey and mix it round in that bad boy.

    I then add a few spoonfuls of sugar (to make the medicine go down) and a drop of vanilla essence. I take that concoction of flavours and chuck her in the fridge overnight. The next morning I add the rocket full to a chilled glass of full cream milk. Mix it well all together and hey presto! I have myself the sweetest, chilled ice coffee my lips have ever indulged in!

    Try it out!

  61. Chilli Con Carne with an espresso shot and pavlova roll with cappuccino cream.

  62. Coffee Creme's Melting moments biscuits with coffee, they are the perfect afternoon delight. what better treat to serve with coffee than a coffee creme.

  63. My faviout recipe using coffee, is Pumpking and Coffee Cake, it is just devine and I think it would taste even butter using a Nepresso!

  64. On a hot Summer's Queensland afternoon, sitting on the back deck with an icy iced coffee with full cream milk.

  65. My coffee creation is called "How to spice up your life with a single cup of coffee".

    Just imagine what would happen if you read "50 Shades of Grey" whilst drinking this coffee!

    This coffee is spiced with chili powder, cinnamon and cayenne, and a raspberry-flavored chocolate coffee. Admittedly it isn't the quickest cup of coffee to make, but it is worth the effort!

    To make heat finely chopped chocolate chips, thickened cream, sugar, cocoa powder, chili powder, cinnamon, cayenne pepper in a saucepan. Add ground coffee to filter and brew.Fill bottom third of coffee mug with milk and froth the milk until desired amount is obtained.

    Mix the chocolate mixture, coffee and frothed milk in equal parts. Add whipped cream and chocolate sauce on top. Dust with spices.

    Then sit back and enjoy!

  66. I am a coffeeaholic and have about 6 or more cups a day.
    I love coffee cakes,coffee ice cream but my favorite thing to make is tiramisu because I soak my biscuits in coffee....yummmmmmmo

  67. Michelle Gray9/05/2012 10:59 AM

    Coffee used in chocolate mud cake, adds a whole new richness to the cake, divine!!!

  68. I make my own dark chocolate mudcake and adding espresso just makes the flavours and the richness more intense. Im not a cake person but I devour this cake along with my kids and husband. beats any store bought hands down.

  69. Good quality ground coffee, only with a hint of brown sugar to enhance the flavour, frothed skim milk, dusted with cocoa, served in my "Keep calm, and drink coffee mug". With a slice of raisin bread if it's brunch, and with a small, but supreme truffle, to make it an 'afternoon delight'.

  70. Milo Coffee - simple, tasty, no need to add sugar. The perfect drink.... Energy upon energy xxx

  71. I don't know how creative this is, but it sure is YUM!

    I make a delectable coffee and choc cake, with a delicious coffee cream and drizzled with warm coffee syrup.. Of course I enjoy it with... Coffee!

    I also make coffee biscuits that i dunk in milk to taste like.. You guessed it.. Coffee!

    Is there a better flavour in the world? If there is, I want it!!

  72. Being a mother of two very young, loud and full of beans children I often find mysel fneeding the irresistable combination of espresso, chocolate and alcohol :) So my contribution to this discussion is an Chocolate Espresso Martini:
    For this angel in a glass you will need:
    •2 shots of Irish Cream liqueur (such as Bailey’s)

    •1 shot chocolate liqueur (such as Godiva Chocolate Liqueur)

    •1 shot vodka (

    •2 shots (60ml) cold drip-brewed coffee or cold-brewed coffee

    •1 small scoop chocolate ice cream

    To make:

    Layer the alcohols in the order listed above(over the back of a tablespoon works well)
    Layer the coffee. (It may mix somewhat with the Irish Cream and vodka. The chocolate liqueur should remain at the bottom of the glass.)
    Top with coffee beans and/or a dollop of icecream or double cream (optional)
    Serve and close your eyes, take in the moment and thank the lord three of the world's most fabulous things can all be put into the one drink LOL

  73. Waaaahhhh soooo many entries!! Lucky Jay, congrats! And thanks for the honourable mention lol.
