Then at the opposite end of the spectrum, there are places where what is delivered is so far from my expectations that I'm utterly disappointed. Previously, the places that I have been disappointed at, in order of least disappointment to most disappointment are:
Shoya: I was expecting quite a lot from Shoya as Danny from Tummy Rumbles had suggested it. He said they did some of the best sashimi in Melbourne. This part turned out to be very true, but the rest of the experience was very lacking. It was nothing like I imagined from browsing their online menu.
Bar Lourinha: I had read such good things about this place, such as Serenity Later's post about it. However, the reality was that most of the food was very bland and overpriced in my opinion.
De Los Santos: This place was another one of those places where the menu reads a lot better online that the actual food. A lot of the food was bland and uninteresting.
Rumi: The biggest disappointment by far has to be Rumi. Not only did they get so many favourable reviews from the media and bloggers, I also waited a long long time to be able to get a table there. In the end though, I found a lot of the food quite awful and just didn't understand what I wasn't seeing that others were.
However, I can now knock Rumi off the list as the most disappointed place and annoint the newest toad in Verge. I had read two extremely glowing reviews by John Lethlean on Verge. Verge had also been on my list for quite some time as a place to visit. So with my impending birthday next week, what better excuse to go eat there with a friend. The fact that I could get a discount with the Entertainment Book sealed the deal.
I went on Saturday night so the only option was the Degustation menu. This was fine with me as the online degustation menu sounded so good. The fact that I could choose my 5 dishes made me even more excited.
My friend and I got there at quarter past 7. We were looking for the bright green panelling on the exterior like on the website, but couldn't find it. Finally, we saw the building number and proceeded inside. We went past a dark lit bar, to which a waiter spoke to us. I told him about our booking and we were led upstairs. The space is a very unusual space. There are tables to the side of the stair case on the middle level, with the top level dominated by a small dining room. A bench in the centre of that room broke up the area strangely. There were tables surrounding that bench, as well as a couple of tables crammed (or positioned privately, it all depends on how you look at it) behind the stairwell.
We were seated at a very cramped table, lowly lit by a candle. I've never been a fan of dark mood lighting in any restaurants. You really do need a bit more light to eat I think. It was all a bit uncomfortable, as the next tables were very close. I could even nearly bump into the gentlemen behind me when I sat back a bit. Our conversations started off very muted and we just couldn't help but feel uncomfortable. As the room filled up more in the next quarter hour, we relaxed a bit more and chatted.
The degustation menu was explained to us by our waiter and we ordered some wine whilst agreeing on the menu choices. The palette cleanser of fish on a lotus seed arrived. I forget the exact ingredients but I went ahead and popped it into my mouth. It tasted ok but didn't really elicit any reaction from me.
Bread arrived and there was a sesame bread as well as some sourdough. We were both fairly hungry so dug into the bread. The seseame bread was not to my liking so I only ate half. I then tucked into the sourdough. Boy, was it sour. It was also very firm and not to my liking.
The first course we chose was the Octopus "carpaccio" with nameko mushrooms, tomato and shiso. The dish was so small, my friend joked and said, "where's the cat". I didn't understand and asked for a clarification. He said that there was so little of it, it was only enough to feed a small cat. I laughed heartily and had to agree. I dug into the "carpaccio" and again, it did not elicit much reaction from me. The octopus was rather "fishy" in taste and a bit "slimey". I didn't feel the mushrooms or shiso added any flavour. I just got the overall flavour of sourness.
At this point, we were both hoping that it would get much better soon. I kept saying that the reviews were all really good. We told ourselves that we probably just picked a bad dish.
Next up was the dish we both had been waiting for. We love wagyu and really enjoyed our Wagyu steak at Lygon Steakhouse previously. Also, after my Jamon Sushi experience, I knew how good raw Wagyu can taste. The Tataki of Wagyu with umeshu noodle, grated egg white and onion ponzu was again tiny. The egg whites didn't really go well with the beef. The beautiful flavours of Wagyu was completely hidden and all I could taste was more sourness. I was so disappointed with this dish. How can you manage to destroy Wagyu. Apparently, you do that by adding a million other things to it that doesn't enhance its flavours at all.
The next dish was a Risotto of spring onion and ginger and a caramelised fennel cigar. By this stage, I should have started to lower my expectations, but foolishly, I was still thinking the risotto would blow my mind like the risotto at Vue de Monde. How wrong I was to be. Whilst the risotto at Vue de Monde was perfectly cooked and every spoonful was a joy, this risotto was like a congee my mum makes with spring onion, ginger and fish, excepts my mum makes it better, as I told my friend. The risotto was undercooked so there was still some hard lumpy bits. The fennel cigar tasted like an oily spring roll and again, the whole dish was just sour. What's up with making everything so sour.
By this stage, food wise I was so disappointed. At least the wine and conversations were very good. Hence I was partially distracted from the food. But my friend was really disappointed too and said he needed to go outside for a smoke. He said all the food was so underwhelming and the whole atmosphere of the restaurant was all show and no substance. By now, I had to agree. So I told the waiter that we would be downstairs for a smoke break. He told us that we could take our wines to drink outside, which we did. I laughed all the way down the stairs as I have never uttered the words "I'm just going outside for a smoke" before. We sat outside and drank our wines while my friend had a smoke to expell all his disappointment. We were already discussing about pizza and cake on Lygon street afterwards, such was our hunger.
The final savoury dish was a Chargrilled "1842" scotch fillet, tongue, sweet and sour turnips and mustard miso. So of all things, you would think that you cannot, absolutely cannot ruin a good steak. You don't even need to add anything to a well cooked steak for it to be good. Well, you can ruin it a steak, by pairing it with this awful tasting mustard miso. The steak was cooked well and the parts that had not been tainted by the miso was very nice. I liked the turnips with their sharp taste. The tongue was ok.
Between the savoury dishes and dessert, there was a huge break. So we just sat there and enjoyed the rest of the wine and talked, forgetting about the food. We had decided that once we had dessert, we would leave immediately and head somewhere else that had some atmosphere and we could just laugh without feeling uncomfortable.
The Pistachio and White Chocolate Parfait with caramelised peach and sesame meringue arrived. It too had been shrunk by the particle compression machine. The sesame meringue were so small, they could have been individual rice bubbles. I liked the caramelised peach with its sweet and slightly sour taste. The parfait was good, but nothing fantastic. When we ate dessert, we drank the last of the wine, took a sip of water and got the bill. We were out of there quick smart, ready to go to Lygon for some hearty food.
I know food is not about quantity, but if you are offering a degusation menu, one criteria is to satisfy your diners hunger. I'm not a huge eater too, so that wasn't the problem.
Service wise, it was all quite good. The waiters were all professional and did their jobs well. They were a lot colder than the wonderful staff at Vue de Monde though. The waiters/waitresses here never looked either of us once in the eye. They just stared above us and were reciting the food from memory. It was a total contrast to the service at Vue where the waiters made eye contact with each and every one of us and pointed to each item they were describing rather than rattling off the list as quickly as possible.
The atmosphere was this strange uneasy feeling. We were fairly relaxed after the start, but nowhere near what you would want. Conversations were kept at fairly low hushed tones, and even when I wanted to let out a massive hearty laugh a few times, I stopped myself. The strange layout of the room didn't help to make things more inviting. And I really don't like the ultra low lighting. Later on when we were at Lygon, we had much more insightful and philosophical discussions just sitting on an outside table with a coffee and cake. And that only cost about $10 each, not over $100.
I'm not sure what the a la carte menu would be like, but usually the degustation would be the best dishes that a chef can offer. I didn't think any of the dishes were great and some of them I didn't like even. The odds of picking that many wrong dishes is not good. There are 5 choices in each sub category, so to pick all bad dishes in all five sub category meant we had 1/3125 chance. So I believe we got a fair sample of what the chef could do. For the $80 it cost for the degustation, it may initially sound cheap for a top restaurant, but it was ultra expensive considering how little food there was and nothing was close to great. I ended up eating a whole slice of tiramisu at Lygon and then some more fruits when I got home to satisfy my hunger.
Verge is now the most disappointing restaurant. Maybe the flavours and style just doesn't sit well with me or my friend. My friends observation that it was a totally underwheling experience that saps the life out of you may sound a bit extreme, but having experienced it, I would have to agree. I was so down about the restaurant that despite the professional service, I didn't feel like giving a tip at all.
Overall Rating: 9/20, Food utterly disappointing and serving sizes so small that I was left very hungry after 5 courses. Atmosphere not inducive for good conversations.
Scores: 1-9: Unacceptable, don't bother. 10-11: Just OK,some shortcomings. 12: Fair. 13: Getting there. 14: Recommended. 15: Good. 16: Really good. 17: Truly excellent. 18: An outstanding experience. 19-20:Approaching perfection, Victoria's best.

Wow Thanh,
ReplyDeleteSad to see you were that disappointed by Verge. I haven’t eaten there for nearly two years, but can also recall being under whelmed with my meal, though from memory the wine list was fairly well priced. In contrast to you though I thought what I served was of good quality and well prepared, but just had no “wow factor” about anything. I ordered from the a la carte menu and found serves on my visit a little on the small side, but certainly not tiny. It was so funny reading this because when I was at Tempura Hajime the other week one of the patrons was telling me how much they loved Verge; and its simple uncomplicated food, and I was thinking that I should go back soon. I may now think twice.
Jon, the wine list was very good and fairly priced. We enjoyed the wine.
ReplyDeleteWith the food, it wasn't necessarily that the actual quality of it was bad. The ingredients were fresh. It's just what was done with it. The best example would be the wagyu. Even just by itself, wagyu is great, as we saw at Jamon Sushi. But by adding all these flavours that didn't enhance it, it actually managed to make the wagyu itself taste bad, which I didn't think was possible. No one dish came anywhere near the "wow" moment for me. In fact, not one dish actually tasted good. The flavours were all mismatched for me and it was a mess. I would not call this food uncomplicate at all. Uncomplicated is what Charles Greenfield did at Jamon Sushi. This meal at Verge was extravagant cooking, without delivering on the flavours needed to go along with the show. I mean we have both experienced how great extravagant cooking can be at Vue de Monde. The myriad of ingredients used by Shannon Bennett all enhance each other, rather than detracting and fighting against each other.
As I wrote, I'm not sure what the a la carte menu would be like, but the degustation servings were so small.
A discussion over at Where's The Beef? has touched on how accurate a single review is. I agree in part with that. This is only my personal opinion from a one off visit, eating what I ate. I haven't tried all the dishes, nor been many times to get an overall feel for the food. But I don't think I will be going back for a while at least.
We missed you at the Jamon Sushi night. Ed said he sent you an email but his email was a bit funny of late so didn't know if you got it. And none of us had your mobile number to call you up.
I appreciate that Thanh and can totally see what you mean. I felt a little bit like this with some of my meal with the degustation at Circa the Prince, though at least some of the dishes were great there, while others I just didn't get. Thank goodness they did not mess the wagyu up at Circa.
ReplyDeleteI would have loved to attend Jamon. Unfortunately I didn't see Ed's message until too late, but he tells me that there will hopefully be another fish based dinner there in the future where I can catch up with you all.
Unfortunately my reviews are taking a hold for a little bit: really busy with work and stuff (& I'm trying to eat healthier), but I will try and get Tempura Hajime up this week if possible: I've started it but just seem to drained to write anything of a decent quality. And still looking really forward to VdM in a couple of weeks: I just know that will be magical :)
Jon, at least there were some great dishes at Circa. This is usually the cases at most restaurants and that's fine still. Hence that's why they aren't a 19 or 20 score restaurant. But to not have a single dish that I liked out of 5 choices on the degustation menu, that's pretty unlucky or it's a fair sample of the food on offer at Verge.
ReplyDeleteA fish dinner is possibly being arranged at Jamon.
I'm always trying to eat healthier too, but never seem to. Please write the Tempura Hajime review as that's another place I really want to go to.
Try to take it easy or you'll burn yourself out and not enjoy any meals.
Wow sure sounded like the food there really disagreed with you! Had been thinking of giving it a try too, but... How come no photos?? At least it looks like you've been eating very well elsewhere of late. Glad your RB&G experience was better than ours had been, though it seems that front of house manners had not improved. We've been less inclined to forgive given the money one has to fork out for the privilege.
ReplyDeleteTowser, I didn't like any dish in the sense that the flavours didn't work together at all. It was just a lot of ingredients put together that didn't work.
ReplyDeleteI didn't take any photos because the whole restaurant was so dark that if I used flash, it would have lit the whole place up. I tried taking long shutter photos without flash but couldn't keep my hands steady enough and the photos were all blurred.
I have been eating very well of late, to the detrement of my wallet and expanding gut.
My Rockpool experience was really great. I remember reading your review, about the unsalted wagyu and the ripped blouse. Fortunately, my wagyu was salted and was great. I didn't have any service issues expect the front of house lady was a little frosty. If I had the service you had, I wouldn't forgive them for a long time either.
Should mention that I went to Rockpool on Tuesday and had a sensational meal, and service was great. The scallop ceviche (with live scallops) was amazing and the New York steak I tried was seriously sensational - definitely amongst the best I have eaten. Will try and write it up within the next couple of weeks :)
ReplyDeleteHey, just found your blog while surfing around. Love your work!
ReplyDeleteThe boyfriend and I went to Verge last night on the basis of many positive recommendations by our friends. However, like you, we left there feeling not 100% satisfied and the food portions were ridiculously tiny. Now, I've been to many fine dining establishments and I can "tolerate" what people would deem "small servings" but the sizes of Verge's meals were absurd. And the taste didn't compensate for the miniscule sizes either - very bland. Not happy.
Hi Libby, thanks for enjoying the blog. I hope you keep reading. Please feel free to comment, I love to hear feedback and have discussions.
ReplyDeleteYou and I are in total agreeance then. I too have been to places where the servings are small, but they were ridiculously small at Verge. I was still very hungry after the degustation menu. The flavours of the food were all wrong. They did not complement each other but instead made it all taste bad.
This is so far the most disappointing fine dining resstaurant for me. I was very unhappy when I left, having to fork out over $100 to still be hungry and not having eaten anything good.
Wow!! What a great review.
ReplyDeleteSo many pictures to look at and completely understand the experience.
Thank you, I think it's not a bad review. If you had read the post, you would have read that it was so dark that if I took a photo with flash, it would have lit up the room.
ReplyDeleteYou can read can't you, then read the text and use your imagination to think up the food.