
Saturday, May 23, 2009

Masterchef - Top 17, Top 16, Top 15

Ok, after my last rant about Masterchef, you would probably think I stopped watching right, wrong. I'm still hooked to the show. There are some elements that are fantastic and keep drawing me back.

I forgot to mention the departure of Nic in the last post, so I've made up for it this post and I'll just call him the top 17 evictee. Nic's departure has to be one of the all time classics in reality TV. Has there been a weaker explanation of why someone has to leave. It's not like he's on a deserted island freezing to death and starving and hence wants off the island. Nic couldn't bear to be away from his wife after only one week.
The eviction shows where they have the "mystery box", the "invention challenge" and then a "pressure test" is great. That's how every week's eviction should work, a pressure test where each contestant does the same dish. Michelle's efforts were slightly worse and hence she had to leave.

One of the highlights of the week was the cook off between Julia and Peter Evans. I, along with the rest of the contestants got the biggest shock when Julia won. I never thought a contestant would ever win. I thought the only good bit about that segment was seeing a top chef in action. Who would ever have guessed that an amateur (with a time advantage, but still a dish they have never cooked) could beat the pro at his own dish. And Evans' humble acceptance of defeat and offering to mentor Julia was reality TV at it's most gracious.

The team challenge was another eye opener. It shows what you can really do when forced. Despite having bought some strange ingredients, Kate's team pulled it off since they had to think outside the box. The subsequent vote off saw the other team vote off Josh. Again, I hate this element of the show as I think most of the others voted off Josh since they saw him in an alliance with Kate and Sam.

Lastly, the week finished with a masterclass. This part of the show I just love. I learnt lots about cooking squid and making a souffle. I'm going to give the souffle a go, having never attempted one because it looked so damn hard. But with those expert tips, I'm hoping my souffle will rise high and proud.

1 comment:

  1. I was also quite surprised too of Julia's win, but from how the judges described it, it did sound better than Peter Evans. I actually thought Peter Evans looked a bit of a sore loser and while it is fantastic that he is willing to mentor Julia, it seemed a bit contrived (though maybe it is reality TV's way of just showing those particular shots).

    I also loved the squid and souffle masterclass
