
Thursday, June 17, 2010

Guessing Game: Eating My Way Around Europe

Hello Australia, "I'm backkkk" (with my best Arnold Schwarzenegger accent). For once, I can say that my lack of blogging activity isn't due to my laziness. Instead I was away on a trip of a lifetime through Europe and eating my way through so many amazing meals. Of course, I'll be writing about that all in due time, but I thought I'd whet your appetite with my four standout moments of my whole trip. Please have a guess of where they were from. :-)

In order of difficulty, here goes.

Moment 1 was a dream of mine realised. I have wanted to try this for about two and a half years, ever since a man called Duncan introduced me to these amazing items.

Moment 2 was another dream realised. I think any serious food lover would have this same dream. It was definitely an amazing experience on so many levels, and I even had the honour of meeting this man and having a quick chat with him.

Moment 3 is obviously gelato, but from where specifically. This was so addictive and just 10 times better than any other gelato in Italy (and I tried a lot of gelato on the trip, averaging about 3 double cones for 8 days from different shops). I've left the picture on the cup for you to look at but coloured out the shop name.

Moment 4, I definitely have to thank Sarah for. I didn't even know about it, but she said I had to go via an email that day. So off I went in search of this, and it was so fantastic for such a simple dish. Sarah, you already know what this is, so you can't guess.

So there are my favourite food moments on my trip. Each moment was perfection in their own way. I hope that you can all get to enjoy these one day, but for now, satisfy yourself with trying to guess correctly what they are.


  1. Yay! You tried my suggestion! (But you really have to thank Timmy K, it was his suggestion to me!)

    And you said you were sick of Schnitzel already... *tsk tsk tsk*

    xox Sarah

  2. Is that a raspberry macaroon at the top? It looks AMAaaaZing.

  3. Please please tell me how to find that Schnitzel....

  4. How did you meet the man Pierre Gagnaire??? Did he speak some English too hehe???

  5. Sarah, I really did think I was sick of schnitzel but this one was fantastic.

    Davina, it is a raspberry macaron (one O please) but not just any, one very special raspberry macaron. The best in the world.

    YiShan, I've sent you the details of that schnitzel, you must go and try.

    Lingy, I just asked the waiter if I could meet him. He spoke excellent English and asked me where I was from.
