
Friday, October 15, 2010

Photography Friday #12 - The Smaller Things

Following from my previous Photography Friday #11 - Swiss Bliss 2, today I bring you "The Smaller Things". I really want to get a proper macro lens to do even better macro shots, but these were the best I can do with the lenses I have.


  1. i like it how you're doing all the EASY posts - ie photography ones... =P. where's the fOOD??? LOL

  2. Allan, you know me too well. I am doing the easy posts first. But for this photography thing, I am trying to post one every Friday for a year, hence why it's called Photography Friday.

  3. I like the grass and the leaves pics. I have to keep photography simple, I'm not so good at the arty pics. Weekly photos are a nice way to be creative in a different way. Looking forward to your future pics!

  4. Deb, I love the grass pic the best too. I'm not very good at arty pics either, but I try. I love this weekly photography post, forces me to try and take creative photos.
