
Monday, January 10, 2011

Recipes Index Updated

Hooray, it's a new year so I've decided to take a slightly different approach to my blogging. I've found that like all other food bloggers, I was eating out and cooking a lot more than I was able to keep up with in blogging it all. So instead of blogging a lot of bad restaurants and recipes, I'm going to focus on blogging about good things instead. Also, I found it overwhelming when lots of blog posts started to creep up on me and were left unwritten. So I'm going to be disciplined and have started a list of items that I want to do each night, focusing on each item for only one solid hour. I won't distract myself with multi-tasking and won't work on anything more than one hour. This way, an hour will go by quickly and I'll enjoy each task without it becoming a chore.

So, I've already manage to use my one solid hour to update my recipe index, something that I've wanted to do for a while and was reminded after Emma from Cake Mistress said she was going to go through my recipe archives.

Below is the updated recipe index, which you can also click on the tab at the top of this page.
Recipe Index


  1. good work!!! =)

  2. A disciplined time-management strategy is effective in our working lives, so why not a blog? Hope to read more of your stuff in 2011!

  3. I usually go through lots of reviews before heading to a restaurant when in Melbourne. This is what happens when you live on a budget. But it's good training in a way. :)

  4. Thanks Allan. You're doing a great job on your blog too.

    Up The Mountain, time management in all aspects of life is key I think, so will try to keep it up.

    Michelle, even on a bigger budget, I still like to read many reviews before deciding whether to go somewhere.
