
Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Cookies Chicken

My friends Kin and Jo have gone all chicken, the chicken business that is. They are now the regional license sellers for Cookies Chicken around where we all live. I've never heard of Cookies Chicken, but apparently there are stores in the US and they are starting to have stores in Austarlia. Since I like eating chicken, when they told me they were doing a taste testing session, I said I would like to come and try it, as well as do some research for this blog of course. See what I have to do for the name of research so that you, the reader, can know about more foods.

So I rocked up to their house and then we went and bought some chicken. One of the rules for selling Cookies Chicken is that only the chicken breast shall be used. So we bought some of that, but I kept insisting that we should get chicken wings too, since I love those the most.

Here is the Cookies placard showing the various cookies food items. Its the usual things of chicken strips, burgers, wraps etc. I commented that their slogan of "lipsmakingood" was strangely familar. Then I said it was sort of a rip off of KFC's "fingerlickingood" slogan. Also, the 12 secret herbs and spices is clearly a dig at KFC and their 11 secret herbs and spices only. Just like KFC, the exact components is unknown and the batter comes in pre mixed bins.

Here is Jo cutting up the chicken breasts into cubes so that it will cook faster, as I was ultra hungry and wanted to eat. You then go through the secret ritual of chicken battering (you get out a big rolling pin and start to beat up the chicken until it submits and screams out in pain) which I cannot reveal here for fear of my life. I did have a hand in helping put the batter on the chicken.

And the final results are below. There are three flavours, original, mild and hot. The original was good, but slightly salty. This is probably due to us not mixing the mix properly and all the large salt particles probably came to the top from the vibration from the transportation of the mix. The mild one was as named, slightly more spicy and also less salty. The hot one was actually not too hot (but I'm quite good at eating hot food) and again even less salty. I preferred the hot one the best, as I like spicy food.

I have to honestly say, the chicken were better than I expected. Usually I'm not a fan of chicken breast meat as after cooking, they tend to be very dry. However, these chicken pieces had a nice crunch to them, the flavour was good, they weren't oily at all, and the breast meat remained quite juicy.

However, call me bias, but these illegal chicken wings were definitely my favourite. The chicken wing meat was so smooth and juicy still. The coating on the wing gave it a perfect crunch and these were some very good chicken wings I've had. However, Jo kept saying that these are not part of the Cookies philosophy of "no bones" and "breast meat" only and that I had to clearly let all the readers know that she was only doing this because I kept requesting it. So below are the non-Cookies conforming chicken wings, hot flavour.

At this point, I should say that if you are interested in obtaining a license to sell these Cookies chicken, please contact me and I'll pass you on to Kin and Jo. And no, I am not being paid to do this and will gain nothing from this. I'm merely writing about another food experience, my first exclusive story for this blog. There are no other Cookies stores in Victoria yet so remember that you read about it first here when it becomes the next Nandos. Reporter Thanh signing out. :-)


  1. Reporter Do,

    This is chicken is truly nice tasting and more healthier than most of the oily fast food chickens around. There is actually a few places in Victoria that already have the rights to cook and sell this recipe including one somewhere the surrounding CBD that is an actual Cookies Chicken outlet. Must find out where then you can go and taste if they are better since they have should have superior equipment and sexier staff

  2. The saltyness was a result of not mixing the spices properly prior to scooping them out. Mistakes are expected the first time. That's why the hot and spicy (which was done last) was as less salty.

    If only everyone saw Mr. Do vacumn all the chicken with his mouth, they will see how much he was addicted to them. Good thing we weren't making KFC or we would need a stomach pump.

  3. I think Thanh really enjoyed his involvement with this taste testing as he himself helped prepare a lot of that chicken. So if it did not taste that great to him, it was hit own fault. But since he did like it heaps he should give himself a pat on the back and really think about a new career path travelling with Coporal Sutherlands in promoting this recipe just like how Cononel Saunders did with his KFC.

  4. Chicken Lover, Corporal Sunderlands and Anonymous, I said that chicken was good and that I would pay for it....NOT. Why would I pay when I can leech, I mean taste test, off you, I mean my friend, for free.

  5. Cookies huh? I shall have to try it. I'm a sucker for fried chicken but always feel so terrible afterwards. Perhaps a better alternative.....

  6. Ali-K,

    You don't have to worry about the fat content. It is not as oily as KFC and would be happy to tell you the nutrional value once I can find it.

    Definetly worth a try. Look at Do, he is just as fat as b4, not MORE. So it didn't make him gain weight!!!

  7. Ali-K, it definitely didn't taste fatty like KFC, which always gives me pimples the next day. I'm happy to report that the Cookies chicken didn't give me pimples.

    Anonymous, as for your comment, I'm not fat, I'm just big boned.....NOT. Ok I'm a little bit overweight.

  8. I am happy to inform that a brand new Cookies Chicken outlet will be opening in 3 weeks time in Ferntree Gully. This is just the begining to a chain of stores in Victoria that will sell this delicious recipe to the millions of hundred chicken eaters. Watch out, here comes Mr. Do. Everyone set your fryers at maximum.
