
Saturday, October 20, 2007

Search For Super Parma

For Friday lunch, we went back to The Boundary Hotel again. If you had read my previous review where I said it was too expensive, you would question why we would want to go back. Well it turns out that after some investigation from John, there are two sections to the boundary hotel. The TAB/pub part serves cheap food. So we went there this time.

The interior is a very small pub, with screens everywhere for watching the races. You go up to the counter to make orders and they give you a number. Upon seeing the Parma and Pot special for $12, I couldn't resist. I just hoped that my parma wasn't going to be laced with marijuana and instead I was getting a pot of beer hahaha. Of course it was beer, but I was just trying to create some drama in this post.

Usually I'm not a big fan of Parmigana's. I tend to find the crumbs too dry, the tomatoe sauce on it too overpowering and the cheese also too strong in flavour. But for such a cheap price, I was willing to give it a go. Anyway, my Parma arrived and it was huge. It sat on a bed of chips and vegetables. I dug into it and surprise, surprise, it was really good. Everything about it was good. Even the ham was good.

Eating the Parma reminded me of my friend Adrian and how he kept telling me about this website all about Parmas. Adrian's really into his Parmas so had heard about this website that reviews every single Parma in Melbourne. A quick Goggle search came up with Search For A Super Parma. They have rated so many Parmas from all over Victoria. I looked up the Boundary Hotel, not really thinking it would be there. But it was, ranked number 25 on the Official Standings list. Not bad seeing as the list goes to 217. Back at our old work place, we used to eat the Parma at the Notting Hill Pub. That Parma was even better, and indeed it was ranked at number 18. The other other Parma we used to eat was at Wheelers Hill Pub. That one was so overpriced and not good. Well, the Wheeler's Hill Pub comes in at a lowly 116. The site is great for real Parma lovers, or just a very fun browse for the rest of us. Maybe I need to go to the Leveson Hotel now and try what the best Parma in Victoria tastes like.


  1. Hi Thanh,

    The Super Parma site seems to be a good, fun site with some serious recommendations. If you/ your friends are after a truly massive parma try the SkinnyDog Hotel in Kew – the biggest you will ever see (you can even share it between 2). The Pub at Crown also has a very good parma if you are in the complex/ area.

    Feel free to check out my blog – I have a recipe posted for my very own super parma, made with a lighter style sauce and fresh mozzarella that is not too heavy – something you may like to try one day.

    Cheers, Jon! (

  2. Hi Jon, thanks for commenting.

    I must tell my friend about the parma at the SkinnyDog Hotel. He'll probably want to try it.

    I've already bookmarked your blog previously. Just hadn't got round to reading it properly yet. I'm looking forward to reading your review of Vue De Monde and Nobu in particular.

    Welcome to the Melbourne Food Blogosphere by the way. Always good to meet another Melbournian foodie.
