
Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Help Vote Thanh To Beijing in Travelscene American Express Fan Trip 3 - May 13th to May 16th

My amazing food blog readers, I have a small favour to ask of you to help make one of my culinary dreams come true. I've wanted to go to Beijing for a long time, and now I finally have a chance to go and try some amazing food. You can read all about my dream itinerary HERE.

I have been picked as one of ten semi finalist in the Travelscene American Express Fan Trip 3 to Beijing. To be one of three winners, I need to get the most votes. I need your help to send me to Beijing.

Hopefully you can do me a favour and help me with the following. You have to do BOTH steps 1 and 2 in order for your vote to be counted. Step 3 is just a bonus :-)

1) Become a fan of the Travelscene American Express Facebook Page by clicking "LIKE" at their Facebook Page. You can find the link below.
Travelscene American Express Facebook Page

2) During Friday 13th May to Monday 16th May, place your vote via the Survey Monkey poll.
Survey Monkey Poll to vote

3) Help spread the word about this and encourage your friends to vote for me as well.

Thank you so much for helping. I promise to bring back memories and photos to share with everyone. Hopefully I shall be able to blog about all my culinary adventures and finally find out if real Peking Duck is that magical an experience.


  1. have just liked the page and will get back when its time to vote
    Good luck
    Always my pleasure to help out another blogger and such a fab one at that !!!!

  2. Oh my! Those slices of Peking Duck look gorgeous and yummy! Also, I just liked the page. Goodluck!

  3. Thank you Ann. Really enjoyed meeting you at the event.
